Return of a Friend

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Nathan's POV

Its been four years since I've seen Bianka, now I'm on my way to the Tonks household to see her. I knocked three times when I heard the front door unlocked. Bianka jumped in my arms at the sight of me.

"Nate, your back!" Bianka yelled as I twirl her.

"Yeah, well I can't stay away from you Bianka." I teased.

Bianka, I love you more than a friend. my mind screamed as I set her down.

"So how was USA?" she asked as we walk in the living room together.

"It was fun!" I sighed, "But I'm glad to be home."

"The reason?" she asked.

"You" I answered then I added, "Uh I mean I heard there was a Ball at Hogwarts and you're going to chaperone it with your cousins and since you are my best mate I wouldn't want you to go alone."

"Oh so you're asking if you could tag along?" she asked.

Oh how oblivious she is? "Uh yeah" I responded.

I grinned as we walk to the dining room I draped my arm around Bianka's shoulder. "Oh hey." Tonks greeted me, "When did you come back?"

"About an hour ago." I grinned.

"Then shouldn't you be with your grandmother, Mrs. Augusta?" Ted asked.

"I was about twenty seconds ago," I explained, "then she fell asleep, so I decided to see what my best girlmate."

"Best girlmate? I think you mean true love." Aurora teased as she sipped her tea.

Bianka slapped her cousin's shoulder, playfully while I blushed.

"I guess I'll see you tonight, B?" I said.

"Tonight? What's tonight, Bianka?" Tonks asked suspiciously.

"The yule ball, his going to chaperone, as well." Bianka answered.

I left with a smile on my face.

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