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Stay here! Tonks replayed the warning of her husband in her head while twisting and turning on her bed, trying to find a comfortable position. "That's it!" she exclaimed in frustration, looking over at her son sleeping soundly. She got up quietly and went straight to the door.

"And where do you think you're going?" Andromeda asked hands on hip, making Tonks jump.

"Mum?!" Tonks acknowledge, "I can't sleep knowing my husband's out there maybe dying, I have to go!"

"Go do what you have to, Dora!" Andromeda said gesturing towards the front door.

"Oh thank you, Mum!" Tonks hugged her mother and headed to the door.

"Be careful!" Andromeda warned, before her daughter disapparated.

Andromeda checked on her grandson and headed back to her room.

Bianka quietly pulled her wand out of her pillowcase. "Hey, going to follow, N?" Aurora asked.

Bianka nodded.

"Let's go." Aurora said.

Bianka and Aurora apparated a few seconds after Tonks did.

Remus turned around and dropped his jaw when he saw the two standing there, he tapped Tonks shoulder.

Tonks twirled around, "What are you lot doing here?!"

"You really think that you can sneak out without waking us up?" Aurora smirked, "I lived with Bianka since I was five, please I can feel if a person snuuck out."

"For me sneaking out is my specialty. I'm a really light sleeper." Bianka explained, "Plus did you really think we were going to let you fight without us?"

"Noo?" Tonks unsure about her answer.

"I also need closure." Bianka admitted.

The four got into position. Antonin Dolohov was dueling Remus, a few minutes later.

Remus fell Tonks ran to his corpse, as Dolohov spoke,"Avada Kedavra!" killing Tonks and Remus.

Aurora cried Bianka cursed her enemy and ran towards Aurora.

Voldemort's announcement

Harry was on his way to the dark forest, when Bianka noticed him. Bianka and Aurora followed him silently.

"The boy who lived," Voldemort said in a cold voice, Bianka rolled her eyes behind a tree, Aurora was behind the tree across Bianka.

"Came to die!" Voldemort exclaimed, "Avada Kedavra!"

Aurora tiptoed towards Bianka and both returned to the castle.

"Harry, can't be dead?" Aurora whimpered.

"No, I can't accept it!" Bianka sobbed.

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