Harry Potter's Dead

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Neville's POV

"Harry Potter's dead!" Voldemort announced in glee.

"No!" Ginny ran but Mr. Weasley pulled her back.

"No." I turned around and saw Aurora Malfoy whispering.

"Stupid girl, Harry Potter's dead!" Voldemort announced once more, "If anyone would like to join me..."

"Draco?" Lucious called in a stern voice.

"Draco!" Narcissa called in a soft voice.

Draco came forward and Voldemort hugged him. Draco went to his parents.

"Aurora?" Narcissa called her daughter, "Come."

"You're kidding me right?", Aurora snorted, "I'll join if hell freezes!"

"Final answer, Ms. Malfoy?" Voldemort asked.

"No, my cousin died fighting for the right cause. Tonks was killed by Antonin Dolohov, I'll make sure that my first kill is to avenge Nymphadora's death. Leaving Teddy, her son, barely a year old, an orphan!" Aurora exclaimed.

"Ms. Lestrange, convince your cousin!" Voldemort ordered Bianka.

"Huh? You know I would love to but I agree with her." Bianka smirked looking at her mother, "Tonks did not deserve to die, Teddy will not live as I did, parents died without remorse."

Bellatrix face fell, a tear ran down her cheek.

"Alright! Anyone else?" Voldemort silencing the crowd.

I came up.

"I must say I expected better." Voldemort taunted, "And who might you be young man?"

"Neville Longbottom." I said looking down.

A roar of laughter could be heard from the death eaters.

Voldemort silenced them by saying, "Well, I'm sure we could find a place for you..."

"I'd like to say something!" I roared cutting him off.

"I'm sure we're all dying to hear what you have to say Neville." Voldemort said.

"Doesn't matter that Harry's gone. People die everyday-friends..family. Yeah, we lost Harry tonight. But he's still with us...in here. So is Fred, Remus, Tonks...all of them. They didn't die in vain! But you will! Cause you're wrong! Harry's heart did beat for us! For all of us! It's not over!" I took out a sword and from the sorting hat.

All hell breaks out. Everyone ran inside when Harry rolled off Hagrid's arms. I lost consciousness.

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