The Rescue

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Aurora's POV

I hid. I watched as the death eater, Dolohov, carry Bianka's limp body and gave it to Rodolphus. I saw Bellatrix hysterically crying as the former prisoners marched out of Azkaban. I watched my father, Lucious, snapped one of the guards necks. I was in tears through everything.

Once the death eaters were out of sight I apparated to the living room. I looked around the room jumped.

"Where have you been?" Aunt Andy asked.

"Bianka..." all I could say.

"What happened to Bianka, Aurora?" Tonks asked.

"We went to Azkaban..." I sobbed, "and she was taken."

"Taken?" Uncle Ted asked, "Where did they take her, Aurora?"

"Lestrange Manor, I guess." I sobbed.

"Andy stay with the girls. I'll save Bianka." Uncle Ted said.

"No, I'm coming with you." I protested, "I stood by while they them take her and did nothing to help. I'm coming."

"Stay here, Aurora!" Uncle Ted raised his voice trying to make me obey him. "You understand, you'll be safer here."

I was not Bianka, I was more impulsive than her, I tend to do more risk, but whenever I'm about to get in trouble Bianka takes the heat for it. People think Bianka's the wild one, but their wrong she's the tamed one. She just tends to be more responsible she takes full responsibility for Draco and I all our lives.

"No! I'm coming!" I screamed. They all starred at me. Uncle Ted opened his mouth to protest but I quickly said, "Don't fight me on this, you know your only going to loose!"

There was a knock on the door, Tonks asked, "Who could that be at this hour?" She yawned as she opened the door to see Nathan, "Nathan, its not really a good time."

"Bianka, she's in trouble isn't she?" Nathan asked wide eyed.

"How'd you know?" I asked as I went to the door.

"I had a dream about her." Nate explained that his grandmother had told him and his brother if you really love somebody and she's in trouble, you would know either you get a nightmare or you see their face in a reflection.

"Let's go!" Uncle Ted said. All of us ended apparating outside Lestrange Manor.

"Stay close and not a pip!" I ordered, as we entered the manor. We tiptoed towards the post in the living room.

"She's in her room, Rodolphus." My mother's voice said, "Bianka's asleep."

"Fine, Cissy, did she eat yet?" Rodolphus voice asked.

"No, she doesn't want to eat. She's upset." She said.

I quickly tiptoed up the stairs and into the hallway, followed by the Tonks family, and Nate. "Bianka!" Tonks whispered.

"Bianka, where are you?" Aunt Andy cried desperately.

Bianka! Please tell me where you are? I thought.

I'm in my old bedroom Aurora. I could here Bianka's thoughts getting louder as I stepped closer to the room at the end of the hallway, Aurora, be careful Draco's blocking the door.

Tonks and I kicked the door open, Draco had his wand pointed at me, "Don't come any closer!" He yelled as she pointed the wand to Bianka.

"Draco, please you don't want to do this!" I pleaded.

Draco lowered his wand, "I can't do it! Even if you've hurt me by leaving I still cannot kill you, you are still my sister."

I nodded as Bianka ran to Nate's arms. We then ran out of the room and ran into Bellatrix.

"Well, well if it isn't the Malfoy girl, the traitor, her mudblood mate, their filthy Halfblood daughter" she looked at her daughter and Nate, "and Longbottom, I presume?"

"Move, Bellatrix!" Aunt Andy pushed Bellatrix aside.

"Andromeda, I'm surprise, I never would have thought..." Bellatrix mocked.

"Andy?" Uncle Ted placedca hand on Auntie's shoulder.

"If you come anywhere near, my family again, I will hex you!" Aunt Andy threatened.

"Your family?" Bellatrix scoffed, "I think you're forgetting that I am Bianka's mum not you!"

"You call yourself my mother?" Bianka laughed, "You aren't worthy of that title!"

"Bianka, you are so naïve." Bellatrix smirked.

Bianka looked up at Tonks, "Can we please just go?"

"Let's go!" Tonks said.

Aunt Andy followed her daughter out with Uncle Ted closely behind, Bianka and Nate walked hand in hand, I was the last one. I braced myself waiting for a curse from Bellatrix but none came. We apparated home. Bianka looked pale as she slip into her bed.

"Thanks for saving me." Bianka said as Tonks and I were about to leave, "I knew I could count on you both."

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