Christmas Party Crasher

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The Tonks household was loud and green and red lights were being installed on the roof by Tonks and Andromeda. Inside the house, Aurora was down stairs decorating the living room, kitchen, and dinning. Bianka was up stairs decorating the stairs, the hallway and bathroom "Let it Snow" played on the muggle radio.

It was about noon when the tree was delivered and Andromeda called out, "Tree decorating time!"

The girls all rushed down stairs, "Did you get it?!" Tonks asked smiling.

"Yes, I did." Andromeda replied, "Bianka, Aurora, come down here."

Bianka and Aurora ran up to their aunt and older cousin.

"You, girls, are going to love this!" Tonks smiled handing both her cousins a box each.

Bianka grabbed the box it was small wrapped in blue and bronze color with lilac ribbon.

Aurora grabbed the other box it was the same size, but different color in wrapping and ribbon. This one had canary yellow and black wrapping paper with rose colored ribbon.

"Before you, two open it," Andromeda said, "D0RA!!!"

"Yes, I got the camera, Mum." Tonks came out from the kitchen holding a camera.

Bianka and Aurora sat on the couch.

"Ready?" Bianka looked at her cousin.

"Yes,let's open it!" Aurora excitedly replied.

The pair gasped in unisons.

"Wow!" Bianka exclaimed.

"Thank you so much!" a teary eyed Aurora said, "this has got to be the best present I've ever gotten!"

Tonks started rummaging through the box, Aurora and Bianka both raised up necklaces each had a pendant with their initials.

"Uh huh!" exclaimed Tonks holding a necklace with an "N" pendant. She put it on and gave the camera to her mum and sat in the middle of her two cousins, who put their gifts on, as well.

"Say 'cheese'!" Andromeda smiled as she captured the scene.

There was a knocked at the door, five hours later. A party was going on inside.

"I got it!" Aurora yelled as she made her way through the crowd of partying people. She opened the door to find Narcissa Malfoy there, "Aunt Andy, B., N. will you get down here?"

"Who is..." Bianka stopped mid sentence as she saw her aunt at the door, "you just never stop, do you?"

"I'm not here to cost trouble." Narcissa said, "Can I talk to you, girls?"

Andromeda and Tonks were behind the Bianka and Aurora.

"Please, Dromeda!" Narcissa begged, "I just need to talk to the girls."

Andromeda sighed, "Fine, be quick, I don't want the guest to think I'm tolerating a death eater in my home."

Aurora and Bianka stepped outside to talk to Narcissa.

"Tonks," Narcissa called, "I also need to talk to you, as well."

Tonks was about to go outside, when her mum grabbed her arm to stop.

"Mum, it's fine." Tonks reassured her mother, then walked over her cousins.

"You, have something to say?" Aurora rudely asked.

Bianka added, "Spit it out!"

Narcissa was stunned by the attitude her daughter and niece showed.

"Now, now," Tonks said laying a hand on both her cousins' shoulder, "be nice, girls. We don't want, dear Aunt Narcissa, to tell sweet Aunt Bellatrix, that you have forgotten your manners."

"As I was saying," Narcissa's voice raised, "I came here to give you these." handing each girl an envelope.

"You got some nerve," Aurora snorted, "Mrs. Malfoy, did you really think money would be the price for what you did?" throwing the envelope to her mother's face, "We don't need your money, keep it!"

Tonks grabbed Aurora's arm and said, "Let's go in to the party." Tonks dragged her cousin to the door with Bianka at her heel.

This can't be money even Aunt Narcissa isn't that stupid. Bianka thought while opening the envelope it had a letter on it that read:

My dearest Bianka,

As I am writing this down, I am currently on the way to Dromeda's home, I just want to apologize for not standing up for you and Aurora when you got disowned. I also just came from Azkaban and I talked to your mother, she blames me for your cuts and to tell you the truth I blame myself, as well. If I would have kept a closer eye on you I could have prevented this. Your mother and father love you! Never forget that.


Aunt Narcissa

Bianka then found a photograph inside the envelope. A family picture, the Lestrange Family Picture. She crumpled it and sped walk to her Aunt. Before Tonks and Aurora could react, Bianka's hand connected with Narcissa's right cheek. Bianka screamed, "How dare you?! The woman in Azkaban does not know how to love!" Bianka was furious.

Tonks and Aurora ran to hold Bianka back, "Mum!" Tonks called out, while Bianka was fighting ferociously trying to shake her cousins' grip.

Andromeda slammed the door open and rushed over to her daughter and nieces side. She then ordered Tonks and Aurora to take Bianka inside so she can cool down.

As the two girls dragged Bianka, kicking and screaming, inside, Andromeda was left alone with her younger sister, "Listen Cissa," Andromeda commanded, "I know that it hurts, the separation I mean, but the girls need time for their wounded hearts to heal." she added, "You betrayed them by not standing up for them, I suggest you give them time before coming back here." Andromeda left a broken hearted Narcissa alone in the cold.

"I hate her!" declared Bianka and she threw the envelope, letter, and the picture, in the lit fireplace.

"Merlin's!" exasperated Aurora, "You need to calm down!"

"She's right, B., you really should relax." Tonks agreed.

"Water?" offered Andromeda.

The party guests were all sent home because of the party crasher.

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