Bianka to the rescue

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Ginny's POV

I was dueling a death eater with Luna and Hermione, backs against the wall. We were cornered. The death eater stunned me.

I couldn't move, that's when I saw Bianka tapped the death eater's shoulder with her wand and kicked him. The death eater howled in pain, "You're going to pay for that, you little bitch!" He screamed.

"Yeah, get in line." Bianka smirked.

"Oh, hold up. You're Bellatrix's brat, aren't you?" The death eater asked.

"Wow! and I thought you death eaters are supposed to be smart." Bianka taunted.

"Then I'm gonna enjoy this!" death eater laughed, "sectumasempra!"

Bianka fell, and the death eater turned his attention to me, I was still stunned.

Mum got in front of me and yelled, "Not my daughter, you bitch!" Mum then dueled the death eater and won. In a few moments, I was unstunned.

I rushed to Bianka, who was lying on the ground almost lifeless, "Bianka." I whimpered.

I felt somebody behind me, as a reflex I pointed my wand to the person as I turned around. It was Bianka's father, I lowered my wand, when I saw Aurora and Galaxy behind him.

"Bianka, oh please don't be dead!" He begged.

Aurora and Galaxy slowly knelt down sobbing.

"Remember our promise, B?" Aurora sobbed, "You promised to never leave me, alone! If you die now, you will be breaking that promise! Please, don't leave!"

Aurora cried on Galaxy's shoulder, as Galaxy stared speechless at Bianka.

To our surprise, Bianka's eyes suddenly opened, "A, you are so dramatic." she laughed.

"B!" Aurora exclaimed, "never do that again."

"You do know that I'm 10 days older than you, right?" Bianka chuckled, "Hence, you can't tell me what to do."

I stood up and helped Bianka on her feet.

"So what did I missed?" Bianka asked casually.

"Mum, defeated the death eater, and I feel like the wars over now." I answered.

"Super Bianka, you OK?" Galaxy teased.

"Kidding me, right?" Bianka huffed, "'Super Bianka'?"

I smiled, "Bianka for the save!"

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