Accept it

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Aurora's POV

I was in a screaming match with my father, when Draco walked in.

"Draco, please, just surrender." I begged.

"Aurora, no, if we were to surrender, we would be sent to Azkaban!" Draco said.

"Surrendering is an act of courage, please, Father," I pleaded, "this could be our family's only hope."

"You stupid girl, it is not courage you speak of, it is treason!" Father growled.

"Aurora!" I heard Auntie Andy, "Galaxy!"

Galaxy was behind me she grabbed my wand before I could point it to my father, "No!" Galaxy scolded, "Just cause Bianka's not here, doesn't mean you get to act violently!"

My cousin had a point, by resulting to violence I would be disappointing Bianka.

"Aurora! Galaxy!" Mother and Aunt Andy ran in between my father and I.

"Lucious, this is your daughter, for Merlin's sake!" Mum exclaimed, "You have no right to hurt her."

My aunt put her arm around my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me, "You, alright?"

"Yes, we are both fine." Galaxy answered.

"Good, cause all three of you are grounded." Auntie explained.

"You can't do that!" I whinned, "Rules don't apply to me, because I am a Malfoy!"

My father's jaw dropped after my proclamation.

Mum smiled as she caught up, "Lucious, Aurora, who is a twenty-four years of age won't accept her punishment for that's what you taught her."

"I accept, I surrender." Draco said.

I smiled, "For how long is my punishment, Auntie Andy?"

Auntie sighed, "Until the trial."

"I accept, the punishment you deemed is appropriate." I curtsied towards her.

"Let's go" Auntie ushered us out the manor, "I'm proud of all of you."

Auntie, Galaxy, and I were about to apparate when I heard my father behind us. I twirled to see him running towards me. I crossedy arms, "What?" rolling my eyes.

"I, too, want to surrender." he said, breathlessly, "I'm sorry, I've been causing, you, Aurora, so much pain all your life that I would not blame you if you don't accept my apology."

SHIT! Bianka, where are you when I need you? I thought as I looked at Galaxy, who seemed to be just as confused as I am.

"A," Galaxy squeezed my shoulder for comfort, "I doesn't matter what I think you should make your own decisions."

"I...I..." I stuttered. I turned and apparated with Auntie and Galaxy.

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