Just checking

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It was six-thirty when Molly and Andromeda went to check on the girls.

"Boys," Molly called her sons, "dinners ready."

"Aurora, Bianka," Andromeda called her nieces knocking on the door. When we opened it, she screamed.

"Mum?!" Tonks worried.

"Andy, what is it?" Molly asked.

"The girls." Andromeda said.

When the Weasleys, Ted, Hermione, and Lupin looked at the room it was empty and the window was opened.

Not far from the cottage, Aurora was struggling to keep up with Bianka.

"B., let's just come back." Aurora pleaded, "Aunty, must be worried sick, not to mention Tonks she's..."

"Pregnant?" Bianka continued, "I know and if you're so worried you go back, but I, on the other hand, have to make sure."

"Damn, stubborn, bitch." Aurora said under her breathe.

Bianka stopped and turned slowly, "What?!"

"Nothing." Aurora answered.

Bianka and Aurora went on hiking till they reached the gates of the Malfoy manor.

"Ooh its lock, guess we have to come back." Aurora exhaled.

"Will you please, shut up?" Bianka hissed, "Give me a boost."

"You can't be serious?" Aurora stared at Bianka in disbelief.

"Yes, I am serious." Bianka answered, "Now give me a boost and I'll open the gate for you."

Aurora crouched down putting her hands in front of her intwining her fingers together, as Bianka jumped over the gate using Aurora's hand as a spring. Bianka landed on her feet and right hand touching the ground. She carefully looked around her,making sure that nobody was around, then she got to her feet and opened the gate slowly, letting Aurora in. They quietly snuck through the garden and into the front door. Bianka smirked as she turned the knob it open easily.

You go right and I go left. Bianka sent a commanding thought to Aurora.

No, we stick together! Aurora sent a protesting thought.

"Bella, Rod is in your room. He's doing just fine." Narcissa's voice came from the third floor.

"What are you two doing here?!" Draco growled.

"Draco, I just wanted to check in on..." Bianka started to explain.

"Your dad?" Draco asked.

Bianka nodded.

"Well, he's just fine." Draco concluded, "Now, leave before Aunt Bella sees you."

"Oh thank you, Draco!" Bianka smiled.

"What are you two doing here?!" Bellatrix bellowed.

Bianka smiled before turning to face her mother descending from the staircase.

"Well?" Bellatrix crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'm here checking on Rodolphus." Bianka said emotionless.

Bellatrix walked closer to her daughter til their face were mere inches away grabbing her daughter's hand dragging her up the stairs.

"Let go of her!" Aurora cried, as her Aunt drag Bianka across the hallway and into a room.

Bellatrix threw her daughter onto a chair while Aurora ran to help Bianka, "My mum did say you lost a few screws in your time in Azkaban, but that might be the understatement of the year." Aurora declared.

Bellatrix ignored Aurora's comment and turned to Draco, "Lock the door." Bellatrix ordered her nephew.

"What?!" Aurora squeaked, "Draco don't lock the door."

"I just need to talk to you, three, please." Bellatrix look down to her daughter.

"Draco!" Aurora warned.

"A., its fine." Bianka reassured her cousin then turned to Draco, "Go ahead, Draco close the door but don't lock it."

Draco did what he was told, then stood beside Bianka.

"When I found out I was pregnant with you, Bianka, the dark lord has summoned Cissa, Lucious, Rod, and I to discuss the future of our children." Bellatrix explained how Lucious was quick to throw the Lestrange daughter under the bus. "He tortured Rod til I signed the contract the only reason why Rod, Rab, and I took part in the torture of the Longbottoms was to ensure your safety, Bianka."

"Why do I find that hard to believe?" Bianka spat out, "Let's go, Aurora!"

"Wait, Bianka, didn't you say you wanted to check on your father?" Bellatrix asked, "He's in the second door. But be very careful death eaters are surely learking the halls."

Bianka and Aurora slowly walked the direction that was given.

"Well, well, who do we have here?" a death eater called out spotting the two. Bianka and Aurora froze, a green light struck between them and into the death eater.

Both Bianka and Aurora turned to see Bellatrix behind them. She smirked, "I said be extra careful." she said walking past the two.

Bellatrix knock on the door before opening it, "Rod, someone's here to see you."

"Let them in, Bella." Rodolphus said.

"Hi." Bianka smiled.

"Bianka, what are you doing here, it's far too dangerous?" Rodolphus said.

"Don't waste your breathe," Aurora chimed in, "I told her that, ten times, but did she listen? Nooo... she did what she wanted."

"Ahh. So I see you have your mother's defiance." Rodolphus watched his daughter.

"First of all, I am not her or you or anyone else, I am me, Bianka!" Bianka was furioused.

"Then why did you come?" Rodolphus asked.

Bianka answered, "Just checking." Then Bianka and Aurora apparated back to the Weasley cottage.

Andromeda was pacing by the door. Ted was watching his wife worrying about their two nieces. "Ted, what if they were captured?! Or worse what if they were captured by Bella? She would surely not show mercy to them, especially to Bianka!"

The door creaked open to reveal Bianka and Aurora. Andromeda engulfed both girls in a hug, "Where in Merlin's name, did you two go?"

"Malfoy Manor." the few words muttered by Bianka sent chills up Andromeda's spine.

"Why?" Andromeda looked at her nieces.

"Just to check." Bianka answered.

"You chase trouble, Bianka, not run away from it." Aurora said.

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