Meet the Aunt

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The next day,Tonks, Bianka, and Aurora had left school after their last class to meet with Andromeda in three broomsticks. Tonks went in first spotted her mother right away sitting and drinking butter beer. As Tonks made her way to her mother, she felt eyes were on her and her cousins.

"Hey Mum!" Tonks greeted as her mother hugged her.

"What is it, Dora?" asked Andromeda.

Boy, there's no beating around the bush with you, is there? Tonks thought. "There's two people who really needs your help." Tonks gestured for her cousins to come. "This is..."

"Bellatrix!" Andromeda hissed.

"I am not my mother!" Bianka whined.

"Bianka?" Andromeda asked shocked.

Bianka nodded.

Andromeda threw her arms around her niece.

"And you must be Aurora?" Andromeda asked the other girl.

Aurora nodded, putting her hand out.

"No, dear," Andromeda shook her head, "we're family we don't shake hands." Andromeda hugged her niece, "We hug!"

They sat down. "So what can I do for you?" Andromeda asked.

"We got disowned, and we were kinda hoping that..." Bianka started.

"Of course you two can stay with us." Andromeda interrupted.

"Thank you!" Aurora said.

"And we promise not to be a bother." Bianka said, "I can cook, Aurora can clean, we do laundry, we repair things." Bianka listed their skills.

Andromeda put one hand to stop Bianka, "Whoa, slow down, you two are never a bother!" Andromeda said.

Tonks looked outside, "Girls, I hate to interrupt but we really must be going now!"

"I'll be seeing the three of you on Christmas break?" Andromeda hugged the girls goodbye then left.

"Speaking of..." Aurora trailed of while walking back to the castle, "what am I gonna do about my promise to free Dobby?"

"Oh I almost forgot about that!" Bianka answered, "Since you aren't his mistress anymore, we can't really do anything."

"I'm sure you'll think of something." Tonks assured.

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