Twenty-four years worth of anger Unleashed

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Bianka's POV

I ran casting curses to every death eater I saw killing all of them who were unfortunate enough to cross paths with me.

"Bianka!" Aurora called behind me, "Bianka, stop!"

I didn't, couldn't stop, I was too hurt, my mind was broken, heart shattered into millions of pieces. My mum died. Tonks is dead. Uncle Ted was murdered. Dad will most likely spend his life lock away in Azkaban for his crimes. I wanted nothing more than to die. I went up to Voldemort I pointed my wand to Him and screamed, "Turn around and face me, coward!"

He turns slowly, "Why if it isn't the traitor Lestrange?" He coldly acknowledge me.

"Shut up! You took everything from me! Shut up!" I cried.

I threw a spell at him. He dodge it. "Good shot! Who taught you that?" He said in admiration, "Your filthy halfblood cousin?"

"Shut up! How dare you speak about her?!" I furiously threw another curse at him.

"Expeliumus!" He unarmed me, making me drop my wand.

I lunged at him. As he yelled, "Avada Kedavra!" A flash of green light hit me, I fell to my knees and lost consciousness.

I woke up in my room back in Lestrange Manor. I heard a voice, "Bianka? Is that you?"

I stood up to see my mother, wearing all white, standing on the foot of the bed.

"Mum?" I ran to hug her, "Mum, I thought you were gone."

She hugged me, "Bianka, what are you doing here?"

I thought for a moment, "Wait. You mean to say I'm dead, as well?"

"Bianka, listen to me." She said sternly, "It isn't your time, yet, you need to wake up."

I looked at her confused.

"Bianka, baby, I am dead, you are not." She explained, "Not quite yet, you need to fight to stay alive."

"But I'm so tired of fighting." I whined, "Can't I just stay here with you?"

"As much as, I wish that you would, I know you, you will want to fight to save your family." She smiled.

"You are my family I just don't want to loose you." I sighed.

"You never will, Bianka," Mum brushed her hand against my cheek.

"B?" another voice called.

"Tonks?!" I asked.

"Hello, B." Tonks appeared.

"Tonks!" I hugged her.

"B., tell Teddy that I love him, tell him what I fought for." Tonks requested.

"I'm not sure I'm going back." I stated.

"Aurora, Nate, Teddy they need you." Mum squeaked.

"I...I..." I stuttered, "can't go back, I've been suffering for so long and I just can't!"

"Look, B." Tonks gestured to the window.

I looked out and saw Aurora fighting tears in her eyes. I saw Nate dueling eight death eaters. I saw the war my body lying lifeless next to my mother's corpse.

"See, why you need to come back, Bianka?" Mum asked, "They need you."

I turn to look at her and my eyes fell on Aurora screaming in pain. My heart sank when I heard her. I blink tears away. "How do I get back?!" I said suddenly alert.

"Fight." Mum answered.

"Fight the urge to die, Bianka." Tonks explained.

"But then I would loose you." I complained.

"Honey, you will never loose me." Mum cooed, "I'll always be with you!"

"Wow, Aunt Bella, that was almost sentimental!" Tonks gleefully said.

"Shut it." Mother warned.

I sat on the floor looking up at them arguing.

"What are you doing?" another voice called.

"Bianka?" Aurora's voice quivering in my head, "Please, come back, please..." Aurora got cut off as she screeched in pain.

I closed my eyes as the scene of my mother and cousin arguing disappeared. "I don't wanna die." I repeated in a whisper three times. Then I open my eyes as I heard curses being thrown, I got up rather quickly, to see Aurora and Galaxy fighting five death eaters out the great hall. I automatically grabbed my wand on the floor and bolted down towards my cousins, the pile of dead bodies clutter the floor.

"What match does two little girls have against five death eaters?" one of the death eaters sneered.

I pointed my wand to his back and smirked, "You want a challenge, huh?"

The five of them turned to face me. "Now, we're talking!" the death eater announced, "Bianka, right? Bianka Lestrange? Daughter of Bellatrix and Rodolphus, right?"

I nodded. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance, though I would be the last person you meet."

"Cocky?" The first one raised an eyebrow, "Bellatrix?"

The one on his right raised his wand, but the first one lowered it, I could see a scar on his right wrist. "No, no, Greengrass, take Nott, Crabe, and Goyle with you and take care of the cousins," Scar smirked at me, "I'll take care of this one."

I grabbed my mother's dagger out of my sweatshirt pocket. I threw it at him just as his comrades closed in on my cousins. I hit Scar right on the throat. I pulled the dagger out not looking back as I ran to my cousins' aide.

I threw a rope that tied to Goyle's neck pulled on the rope as he struggled. I use my free hand to cast a curse on Greengrass, and kicked Crabe and Nott. They all lost consciousness lack of air, hitting their heads on the wall, and even the impact of my kick. I ran to my cousins who are huddled together in the center, trembling. I crouched down in front of them and put my hand on Aurora's shoulder.

They both looked at me. "You're fine." I reassured them.

"Bianka, how?" Aurora shuddered.

"I'll tell you later." I said helping them both up, "Now, where is my father?"

Galaxy pointed silently towards the hallway.

"You two stay here keep safe. I would be right back." I headed to the hallway.

I ran when I heard someone screaming, in the distance, God please not my cousins, please! I prayed. I saw my dad his back facing me as he was dueling a snatcher.

"Well, well, well," the snatcher taunted, "if it isn't little miss Lestrange, came to watch Daddy fall?"

I was furious. All the pent up anger inside me came out. It was a blur after. The next thing I knew the snatcher flew and his back hit the wall.

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