Back to Square One

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Narcissa's POV

I came back to the manor, a few hours later. The slap still stung, but the pain of being called "Mrs. Malfoy" by my own daughter hurts more.

"Mum, how was your trip?" Draco asked.

"Fine, just fine." I said glumly.

"Are you sure, Love?" Lucious said stalking the statues.

"Yes, I just went to see..." I said but stopped in mid sentence realizing that if I disclosed my location earlier my daughter and nieces will be in danger, "Bella and Rodo." Nice save, Cissy, hopefully he doesn't question me farther. I thought silently.

"What does your sister want now?" Lucious asked.

"They just wanted to know why we disowned their daughter." I didn't really lied, she did asked why.

"What did you tell them?" asked Draco.

"The truth." I answered. "I'm a bit tired I should rest." I faked a yawn.

"Happy Christmas, mother!" Draco greeted.

I smiled weakly, trying not to imagine Aurora and Bianka beside Draco, "Happy Christmas, my son."

The next morning, I was on my way to Azkaban, This isn't a wise decision, Narcissa, a voice in my head keeps saying, how would Bella react when she finds out you failed? I silenced the voices as soon as I saw my sister, "Bella." I greeted.

"Did you do it?" my sister asked with something in her eyes, Hope, I thought, "Did you get Bianka back?"

"I'm sorry, Bella." I started to cry I saw the hope in her eyes transform into sadness, "I tried, but they wouldn't listen!"

"In other words," Bella mocked me, "you failed."

"Yes, Bella," I sniffed, "What are we going to do, now?"

"Back to square one, Cissa." She told me, "You have to change your approach."

"How?!" I asked.

"You have to stop with the whole I'm nice thing, you have to show them that you'll fight for them, Cissy!" Bella exclaimed, "Or I swear when I get out of here I will curse you!"

"Did you ever stop and think that this whole thing is your fault?" I asked as I quickly got up and left.

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