The Realization

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Tonks POV

It was the day of the final Triwizard competition, earlier in the evening Bianka, Aurora, and I were helping Alastor Moodey hide the cup in the maze.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Bianka whispered, as Alastor placed the cup down.

"What?!" I asked annoyed.

"No," Aurora whispered, "I feel it too."

"What?" I asked now in a softer tone.

"I..." Aurora said.

"Come on!" Alastor placed his hand on my shoulder, then walked past us.

I don't know why but I had a horrible feeling about the way he kept licking his lips, but we apparated back to the arena. Where the game was about to begin.

The four contestants entered with their headmaster or mistress all except Cedric who entered with his father, Dumbledore went to give his speech and words of encouragement to the four the students as they entered the maze.

The minster of magic, Bartimus Crouch Sr., sat next to Bianka, making my cousin uncomfortable. She fidgeted and was tense because the father of her godfather was sitting next to her.

"A., switch with me." I said. Aurora moved as I stood up and took her place. I grabbed Bianka's hand, in an attempt to calm her down, "Hey, you wanna switch with me?" I asked squeezing her hand.

", I need to deal with this." Bianka answered, fake bravery in her voice.

"You know that bad feeling you had?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah." Bianka nodded.

Aurora asked, "Why?"

"I felt it, as well." I admitted, "When, Moody touched me, I felt... I don't know."

That got the ministers attention, he gazed at us, "Tonks, Lestrange, Malfoy, what is it?"

Aurora and Bianka's faces turned red. Their last names remind them of their parents' background.

"Mr. Crouch, sir," I begun, "my cousins and I have a bad feeling about the tournament."

"The famous Black gut, when your mothers were younger, they had the same intuition, but after Andromeda left,that intuition weakened." Crouch explained, "the thing about a Black's gut is that its 95% of the time its right."

At that exact moment Harry appeared, hunched over, he seem to be crying. Fleur screamed, my eyes widened as I cover my cousins' eyes. Cedric Diggory was dead. Crouch ran to Dumbledore. Leaving my cousins and I to calm the crowd down. Mr. Diggory miraculously got passed Bianka and I chased him down til he broke down upon seeing his son's dead body.

"That's my boy!" Mr. Diggory sobbed.

Cho stiffled a cry.

Aurora tapped Bianka's shoulder making both Bianka and I look up to see Moody drag Harry with him. I grabbed my cousins' hands and ran after Harry and Moody. Hearing the loud cries behind us as they slowly become softer, until all I could hear was my heart beat.

"STOP!" Aurora yelled.

I let go off my grip on her wrist, turned around. "What?!"

"Listen." Aurora ordered. She comes up to me and asked, "Don't you feel it?"

"Feel what?" I asked.

"'Moody' just dragged Harry aside after getting the cup, I heard Moody talking to Neville about the plant, and didn't you say that Moody was acting strange lately?" Aurora explained.

"Clearly, Moody is up to something." Bianka concluded.

Professors Dumbledore, Snape, and McGonnagol ran past us and burst the door wide open. We heard yelling accusing Crouch Jr. of impersonating Moody. Harry, McGonnagol, and Dumbledore got out the room. "Personally, I have no time for heroes." Dumbledore called out.

When Aurora saw Harry she immediately hugged him. "Thank heavens you're alright!" she said.

"Yeah," Harry said, "can you please explain to me why the bloody hell does Crouch Jr. know you, Bianka?"

Bianka looked at Harry's eyes, "He's my godfather." Bianka whispered.

"Oh." Harry's tone became pitiful.

"Yeah," Bianka looked at me, "can we leave now?"

"Let's go." I said.

"Wait, Aurora!" Harry catching his breathe, "Your father I saw him with Voldemort."

Aurora turned slowly, smiled, then just walked away.

"A.," Bianka started, "you alright?"

"Yes, I have always known anyways." Aurora smiled but her eyes were sad. She ran to her room after we got home, and stayed there till my mum had us call Aurora for dinner.

I ran up stairs with Bianka there was soft whimpers coming from Aurora's room.

When I opened the door we saw her lying face down on her bed, her blonde hair splattered on her back. There was a slight chill that ran up my spine as I realize that Aurora, Bianka, and I have been putting up the same strong facade. Bianka ever since her parents arrest, me ever since I had found out about my mum's past, and now Aurora, the strong facades, the walls we put up has to come down now.

I sat beside her as she kept crying, I caressed her hair brushing it of off her face, "Aurora, tell us what's wrong, cous." I said.

Aurora turns her head her eyes were red and puffy mascara on her cheeks. "I always knew father was a death eater," she explains how Lucious was always late for events, then at the age of four she met her godfather for the first time, Voldemort, that's when she puts the pieces together, the strange mark on her father's arm was the same as the mark on her Aunt and Uncle's arm. Lucious tried his best to shelter his daughter from the darkness, "He was and always be a coward." Aurora concluded.

"He's still your father." Bianka sighed.

"Really?" Aurora put her hand on her hips, "You're such a hypocrite, Bianka, Bellatrix is still your mother, and Rodolphus is your father, you have no right to say that Lucious is still my father. If you don't recall he's the one who disowned us, turned his back to us now your defending him."

"I'm not defending him, A." Bianka snapped, "I'm merely stating the fact and the fact remains that Lucious Malfoy is and forever your father, just like Bellatrix and Rodolphus are my parents, we don't like it but those are the facts we have to face."

"Alright, alright!" Aurora said, "You win!"

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