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It has been days since the horrific boggart incident. Since then the Andromeda, Tonks, Aurora and, Bianka decided not to leave the school. Dumbledore wasn't keen to the idea of letting four witches leave the safety of the school with a killer in the loose. Even if Bianka and Aurora explained Sirius's innocence but without evidence the headmaster refused to let them leave.

Tonks was searching for Remus, while Andromeda was talking to Professor McGonnagol so Aurora and Bianka decided to tag along with Harry, Hermione, and Ron to search for Ron's rat, Scabbers.

"Your bloody cat ate him!" Ron accused Hermione as they were searching the castle grounds.

Hermione and Ron continued to argue, as they searched. "Guys," Aurora said annoyed, "can you two stop arguing and just look for Scabbers?"

"You know I still cannot believe you two are related to Malfoy." Harry smiled.

"Maybe Hagrid found him?" Bianka suggested ignoring Harry's comment.

They were on their way to Hagrid's when they had the unpleasant encounter with Aurora's younger brother. Hermione punched him. Bianka was right ones again, Hagrid did find Scabbers.

Aurora, something doesn't feel right! Bianka thought.

Aurora could read Bianka's mind because of an incident with potions. Bianka and her accidentally drank a potion when they were only two, the potion was for mind reading. When Bellatrix tried to reverse the potion she partially succeeded, Aurora and Bianka cannot read others thoughts but they could communicate telepathically with each other, which was quite annoying according to the Malfoys.

I feel it, as well, Aurora sent her thought, you don't think that Scabbers is...

Yes, it is possible. Bianka thought looking at the rat, they didn't find Pettigrew's body and didn't Harry say that he saw him in the map?

The two silently watched Hermione and Ron argue once more. Until they were disrupted by the minister Dumbledore and a man with an ax came along they went out the back door and hid behind a rock watching Buckbeak's doom. The man's ax went up and down Hermione cried on Ron's shoulder. Scabbers bit Ron's hand causing Ron to drop the rat the rat ran towards the Whipping Willow and the five ran after it. A black dog appeared and dragged Ron into the tree. Bianka and Aurora held on to Ron tightly so they were dragged, as well.

On the way up the stairs Bianka started talking, "Siri, don't do this, please!" she begged.

The dog looked at the girls and it growled.

"Don't you recognize me, Siri,look into my eyes, please!" Bianka tried again. The dog simply kept dragging them up the stairs.

"Siri, I know you don't know me but I'm her cousin, daughter of Cissy, Aurora I was named that because they had believed that I was like the dawn bringing new hope to the family." Aurora explained as the dog dropped them at the end of the room, "We know your innocent."

The dog transformed into Sirius Black. Bianka fell on the floor weeping. Aurora stood in front of Ron and her cousin. Sirius walked closer to Bianka and picked her up from the floor, Aurora and Ron followed Sirius with their gazes. Sirius pulled Bianka into a hug. Bianka cried even more. Aurora quickly ran to Ron.

"Little one?" Sirius asked, "I thought I wouldn't see you again, now look at you."

Aurora stood there feeling a bit uncomfortable about the whole situation. Harry and Hermione came but Sirius was nowhere to be seen Aurora stood in shocked, Bianka shook her head, Ron yelled for his friends to watch out. At that moment Harry stood bravely in front of Sirius, and then Remus came and they found out it was Pettigrew who betrayed the Potters. He disguised himself as Scabbers for 12 years. In some point during the story Snape showed up and got blasted by Harry. They all went out the tree with Harry and Sirius helping Ron the girls and Remus went behind holding Pettigrew as to not escape. "Rat!" Sirius called back, "Watch those hands if you in anyway touch these girls I will personally tell Bella that you harased her daughter!" he threatened Pettigrew.

"No! No! Sirius you don't need to do that" the rat pleaded.

"Then behave!" Sirius said calmly.

Aurora smiled at Bianka.

Bianka tried to read Aurora's mind but it was empty, Aurora, I can't read your mind! Bianka thought in panic, Can you hear me?

Yes, I hear you! Yelled Aurora in her mind, I cleared my mind before. I tend to do that when I'm around death eaters.

Smart. Bianka was impressed, she cleared her mind as well.

Then Hermione shrieked, "Harry!" then pointed at the moon.

Full, shit! Aurora thought, looking at the moon.

Sirius ran holding Lupin. Lupin had transformed into a warewolf. Lupin threw Sirius to the side. Snape ran ready to yell at Harry for blasting him to the side but upon seeing the warewolf he turns and protects the young people. A distant howl was heard and Remus took off after it.

Harry whispered, "Sirius!" and ran to help his godfather.

Leaving Snape, Bianka, Aurora, Hermione and Ron alone. Aurora looked at Bianka, We need to help him!

Bianka simply nodded and took off. Severus yelling, "Lestrange, Malfoy, get back here!"

Bianka didn't listen her heart was beating loudly on her chest, the distant cry of Sirius was all she could hear. Aurora ran beside her with the same feeling. They stopped at the sight of Dementors looming over Harry and Sirius.

Damn it, I forgot my wand! Bianka thought as she looked desperately at Aurora.

Aurora was ready to cast the spell, but when she looked up. The spell was already being cast. Dementors fleeing leaving an unconscious Harry and a dying Sirius on the beach. Aurora and Bianka ran to help.

"Go to the castle and tell what had happened." Bianka barked. "NOW!"

"Has anybody told you you sound just like your mother?" Aurora mumbled as she walked away.

Not a minute passed Andromeda, Dumbledore, Tonks and Aurora came running down the hill. Bianka was surprised by Tonks's presence.

Andromeda immediately hugged her niece, "Merlin's what were you girls thinking?!" she exclaimed.

"Sirius is innocent," answered Bianka, "it wouldn't be fair if he dies a he's a fugitive from the law."

"Either way, it was very dangerous!" Andromeda scolded, "What if something were to happen to you?"

"I honestly don't give a damn, about my life." Bianka answered truthfully. "But I guess putting Aurora's life on the line was very irresponsible of me."

"Not funny, B." Aurora rolled her eyes.

"What?! Its true!" Bianka defended.

"Do you need to go back to therapy?" Andromeda asked.

"Nope." Bianka said walking away.

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