The other Dumbledore

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The heroes jump down and landed on a small, dark village, they hid from death eaters, when a voice called out, "In here!"

The four entered the house, gazing at the man in the doorway. He looks like Dumble… this is Aberforth, Professor's twin brother. Bianka thought.

"Lestrange!" Aberforth acknowledged Bianka.

Bianka clenched her teeth, "Yes?"

"You got your family worried. Your Aunt is on her way to take you home." Aberforth explained.

At that exact moment, Andromeda burst into the doorway with Aurora and Tonks right behind her, "Oh my stars, your alright!" Andromeda cried seeing Bianka standing beside Ron.

Aurora looked pissed.

"A., what's wrong?" Bianka asked.

"I'll tell you what's wrong B., you left early morning, not a word to where you're going and I find out you broke into Gringotts at noon!" Aurora ranted, "No, what really pisses me off is that you keep putting yourself in danger and not telling me!" she crossed her arms,  pouting.

Bianka glanced at Tonks, who gestured to Aurora. Bianka wrapped her arms around Aurora, "You're not mad at me." Bianka stated, "I'm sorry for making you worry."

"Fine, you're forgiven." Aurora exasperated.

"Eighteen years of that and it still works!" Bianka giggled.

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