Christmas Eve in Azkaban

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When Andromeda pulled up to the driveway of her 4 bedroom house, the 3 girls open their doors.

"Wow!" Bianka gasped in amazement.

"I have only one rule," Andromeda said as they all got in the house, "in this house you cannot have secrets."

"Come on I'll show you to your rooms." Tonks smiled as she climbed up the stairs, Bianka and Aurora followed Tonks. Tonks stopped at the first door, "This is your room Bianka." Tonks then gestured to the next door, "and this is your room Aurora, the bathroom's at the end of the hall. My room is the next door to the right, Mum's on the left." Tonks then gestured for Aurora to go in Bianka's room, Aurora complied, once all 3 were in the room Tonks closed the door.

"So what now?" Bianka asked irritated, "Your plan of reuniting Aurora with her family did not work, Aurora is still disowned and what's worse is that Aunt Cissa will surely tell Uncle Lucious!"

"The way she acted earlier is a sign that she still cares." Tonks explained, "I'll talk to Mum about letting you, Bianka, go to Azkaban."

Tonks left the room leaving Aurora and Bianka in the Lilac colored room. Aurora left to go unpack in her own rose colored room.

Bianka unpacked her clothes and put them in her closet placing a picture of her parents on her night stand, I know I shouldn't miss you but I do. I still love you, it hurts too much to look back, so I rarely do, but just remember, I love you, always have and always will! Bianka thought looking at the photo. A single tear slipped out and dropped on the frame on her younger self, Why must I be cursed with having death eaters as parents, and why must I care? Even if people think I'm numbed because of my painful past, I am not I care. I bleed. I love. But most of all I care, bleed, and love my family. For mistakes have been made,I can't stand to blame them, I blame one man or creature or whatever Voldemort is I blame him, if it were not for him I would still be with my parents, happy. I would be seeing my cousins: Tonks, Aurora, and Draco with smiles on their faces Harry Potter would have his family, Neville and Nathan's parents would watch their sons grow up. The headmaster wouldn't have to suffer the knowledge of knowing that he's out there waiting to rise up. With each scenario, Bianka found herself cutting her wrist.

"B., A. can you girls come down here?" Tonks called out.

Bianka looked down at her wrist and saw five new fresh cuts. She started cleaning the cuts. Then rolled down the sleeves then she went down stairs to find that Aurora was down stairs, as well as, Tonks and Andromeda.

"Hey, what took you so long?" Andromeda sighed, when she saw Bianka. "Never mind, we need to head out to Azkaban."

Bianka looked at her aunt shocked.

"Tonks told me." Andromeda said, "And I have to agree seeing them might help you move on. Let's go!" Andromeda was reaching for Bianka's hand as the other two rode the car.

7 hours later they made it to a dock to catch a boat to take them to the island of Azkaban. When they got there, a guard met them. "Who are you, ladies, here to see?" The guard asked.

"The Lestranges." Andromeda answered.

"Names?" The guard asked.

"Andromeda Black Tonks." Andromeda replied, "my daughter, Nymphadora Tonks." she said pointing to Tonks.

"Aurora Scarlett Malfoy." Aurora said pointing to herself.

"And you my dear?" The guard peered at Bianka.

"Bianka" Bianka answered.

"Whole name please?" The guard's voice begun to sound irritated.

"Bianka Druella Lestrange." whispered Bianka. She had learned to hate her name ever since she was 2nd year.

"Oh you're the daughter." The guard sighed as he escorted the group to the waiting area and got Rodolphus, Bellatrix, and Rabastan out.

"I was wondering who came to see us, and if it isn't my blood traitor sister and her spawn," Bellatrix taunted and looked at Aurora, "and who do we have here? You must be Aurora, the traitor daughter of my sister, Narcissa." She stopped when she caught a glimpse of her daughter, "Bianka?" Bellatrix's voice croaked.

Bianka nodded slowly at her mother the holding her left wrist for pressure Bianka could feel her mother's eyes were on her.

"So I've heard you have disgraced the Lestrange name by being sorted to Ravenclaw, and lying about it." Bellatrix smirked, "You were always a disgrace even as a child."

Bianka could take torment of any kind. She remained silent.

"Begging and crying for me to apologize to those who didn't deserve it." Bellatrix continued to taunt her daughter, "And now you live with a traitor!"

"Alright that's it!" Bianka was furious, "You want to know why I came here today out of all days? Its because of them they wanted me to be happy, to finally have closure after 8 years of waking up every night from the same nightmare! I can take whatever life throws at me but for some reason I can't have you make remarks against these people." Bianka threw both arms up in frustration both sleeves rolled up, revealing her fresh cuts.

Bellatrix gasped. Rodolphus looked as though he was going to be sick. Rabastan looked at the cuts with horror. Andromeda and Tonks both looked at Bianka with pity.

Aurora got up she was worried, "You promised me you would never do that again!" Aurora cried.

"Again?" Rodolphus repeated, "This happened before?!"

"When?!" Bellatrix demanded.

"After her failed attempt in convincing you to apologize." Aurora explained the nightmares as well, "it all started when you chose him over her."

Bianka ran out. Aurora ran out after her. Leaving Andromeda and Tonks alone with three notorious criminals.

"Happy, Bella?" Tonks asked her aunt in disgust, "because of your foolishness your only daughter would rather be dead than to live another day."

Bellatrix couldn't speak, ashamed for what she had done to her child, tears ran down to her cheeks, as the guards took the prisoners back to their cells.

Andromeda and Tonks went to go search for Aurora and Bianka to find Bianka hunched over Aurora crying. Tonks and her mother went over to Bianka and Aurora. They got back home in silence. No one knew what to say. Aurora immediately followed Bianka to her room.

"What the hell's wrong with you?!" Aurora asked.

"I need some sleep." Yawned Bianka ignoring Aurora's question.

Aurora knew that she was wasting time trying to uncover the truth. She crossed the room and noticed the picture on the nightstand, "You still miss them," Aurora not expecting a reply went to leave the room.

"Yes, I still miss them." Bianka answered quietly. Then laid on the bed, quickly falling asleep.

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