Nightmare possibly a Reality?

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"Aurora, Tonks!" Bianka called out as people ran past her, terrified.

"George! You're in charge of Ginny!" Bianka heard Mr. Weasley yelled for everyone to stay together then Bianka blacked out from exhaustion.

The next thing Bianka knew was she was starring at the Dark Mark on the sky. A man, Barty Crouch Jr., she presumed was standing just ten feet away from her, Harry was to the right of her. Bianka got up and ran to Harry.

"Bianka, what is that?!" Harry pointed to the sky.

"Its the dark mark." Bianka whispered.

"Its his mark, Harry!" Hermione added.

A group of ministry worker came running towards them. Asking them questions. "That's my son!" Mr. Weasley cried.

"Bianka!" Tonks cried in relief, "I turned around and you weren't there."

"I was scared, where did you go?!" Aurora yelled.

"I passed out, I think." Bianka said, "I woke up and saw that!"

"OK let's just get you girls home." Ted escorted the three to the port key.

"Thank Merlin! You lot are alright!" Andromeda exclaimed upon seeing her nieces, daughter and husband come home, "I heard what happened, Bianka are you alright?"

Bianka just nodded keeping her mind close, she doesn't want to cause panic until she was sure.

Bianka what's wrong? Aurora sent her thought.

Nothing, A. Bianka responded in her thoughts, Don't worry about it.

Bianka went straight to bed, her dreams did not leave her alone.

Bianka was outside the courtroom crying, she burst into the door and turned to her mother. This is it, Bianka! her mind screamed. Bellatrix just looked at her daughter with a stoic face. "Please, please, mother just apologize to them! I'm begging you!" Bianka cried.

"I am not apologizing for what I did for my lord!" Bellatrix shouted.

Mr. Crouch then ordered Bianka in the custody of the Malfoy. Bianka looked back at her parents with a face of pure loathing while Lucious dragged her out.

Andromeda woke up to Bianka screaming. Andromeda quickly ran to Bianka's bedroom and saw Bianka sobbing in her sleep. "Bianka, dear, wake up." Andromeda shook Bianka's shoulders.

"Ahhh!" Bianka screamed when she woke up and started crying.

"Its alright, Bianka." Andromeda hugged Bianka till she stopped crying.

"I saw..." Bianka's voice cracked, "I saw him."

"Who?" Andromeda asked, "Who did you see?"

"Barty Crouch Jr." Bianka sobbed.

"In the games?" Andromeda asked.

Bianka nodded, "I'm sorry. I just felt so helpless."

"Its alright, Bianka." Ted appeared.

"I think you and Dora should inform the ministry that his son has escaped." turning around, Andromeda said,"I'll stay here with Bianka and Aurora."

Ted and Tonks left leaving Andromeda, Aurora, and Bianka behind. Andromeda led Bianka to the kitchen and told her to sit at the dinning room while Andromeda boiled water for tea. Aurora walked down stairs rubbing her eyes, "Aurora go to the dinning room!" Andromeda said not even turning around.

Aurora walked in the dinning table. "Hey." greeting Bianka.

"What are you doing up?" Bianka asked.

"I dunno, you?" Aurora said as she took a sit on across from Bianka.

"Bad dream." Bianka answered.

"Manor or Courtroom?" Aurora asked.

"Courtroom." Bianka answered. With just a few words spoken Aurora and Bianka would be able to understand one another.

"Its been what like? 8 years since you had that dream. What caused it?" Aurora asked as she crossed her legs.

"I think its because..." Bianka leaned closer, "Barty Crouch Jr."

"You WHAT?!" Aurora's eyes widened with surprise.

"I saw him when I saw the Dark Mark." Bianka conformed.

"You don't think that he'll be back anytime soon?" Aurora asked in a whisper.

"God! I hope not." Bianka exasperated.

Aurora could feel a lump in her throat her voice was quivering, "If he rises, your nightmare can become a reality."

"Oh come on." Bianka sighed, "My nightmares are slowly becoming reality, so why not this one?"

"We were young then, but now we have a chance to stop it." Aurora said a hint of hope in her tone.

"Prolong it." Bianka corrected.

"Don't be such a pessimist, Bianka. We will find a way to stop his rise and and with that you don't have to marry him." Andromeda explained as she enter the room with three teacups.

"I'm not a pessimist." Bianka said, "I'm a realist."

"This is the reality," Aurora pointing to the table, "We, Aunt, Uncle, Tonks and I, won't let him near you, I promise you that."

"Nightmare possible reality." Bianka scribbled the words on a napkin.

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