The Ridikulus Class

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Andromeda's POV

It has been months since the girls came home with Bianka crying. It was the first time I have ever seen her cry. Then when Aurora told me how she found the contract and how they went to Azkaban only to be met by Bellatrix's lies. I felt sorry of course but I also know that Bianka wouldn't want to dwell on it, so I gave her permission to go to Hogwarts and continue her mission with Tonks and Aurora.

Today was the day I was coming to see them in Hogwarts. I walk in the defense of the dark arts classroom and saw an old friend of mine, Remus Lupin, alone sitting in his desk. "If it isn't moony?" I greeted using his nickname given to him by my cousin, Sirius, and his friends, Pettigrew and James Potter.

"Hello, Andy." He looked up from his papers.

"You haven't seen my daughter and nieces by any chance?" I asked.

"According, to the itinerary, Bianka handed me," he said waving a piece of paper in front of my face, "she's very schedule oriented, isn't she?"

"Yes, she is!" I said getting impatient, "Remus, where are they?"

"They are scheduled for a visit to..." he looks at the map, "here, during the next class."

I sat down in one of the student's desk, as I foot steps behind me, "Hey, mum!"

I turn to see my daughter and neices walk in. "Girls, I know I'm early but..." I greeted them.

"Glad you could make it!" Bianka smiled.

"I'm happy to see that you're doing better." I smiled.

Bianka's expression turned dark, "Can we not talk about it, please?" She pleaded.

"Yeah, sure." I said I wasn't about to put salt on her freshly opened wounds.

"Thanks." Bianka smiled her facial expression went back.

The bell rang students came rushing in, Remus stood at the middle of the classroom, "Can anyone tell me what's in here?"

Hermione Granger, a gryfindor said, "a boggart."

Remus continues to lecture about the creature as Neville Longbottom was picked to do a demonstration. "Uh... Mr. Lupin, sir," Bianka said respectfully, "I don't think that's such a good idea."

"You're correct, Ms. Lestrange!" Remus said, I saw a twinkle in his eye and new what was coming, "Why don't you be the demonstrator, Ms. Lestrange?"

My pulse raised as my niece stood up in front of the class.

"What is your greatest fear?" Remus asked.

"I'm afraid I do not know, sir." Bianka responded quietly and for a moment she reminded me of Bellatrix, when we were young, before she was a death eater, but that quickly changed when Remus turned around and walked to the corridor.

"Well, I guess will find out." Remus said as he waved his wand to unlock the corridor.

The corridor swang open and 3 figures came out. One was Tonks who appeared to be dead, the other two were Aurora and Draco's dead bodies.

"I'm confuse, Remus," I stated as I stood up from my chair, "her boggart is the dead bodies of her cousins?"

Silence. "Ridikulus!!!" Bianka yelled tears streaming down her cheeks.

The 3 dead bodies got up and started dancing, Bianka forced a laugh, Bianka left running. Aurora and Tonks ran after her, as I stood helplessly wondering what just went on. The class resumed, as I walked out the class to look for the girls.

"If it isn't Andromeda." Said a voice behind me.

I turned to see Nearly Headless Nick behind me. I said, "Sir Nicholas have you seen the girls?"

"Yes, they went that way." the ghost pointed towards the great hall, "Why is Bianka so upset?" he asked.

"She just saw her first bogart." I whispered.

The ghost asked, "Are you sure it has nothing to do with her engagement to You-Know-Who?"

"How'd you know?" I asked surprised.

The ghost smiled at me, "Dear, you of all people, should know that secrets, in this castle means that everyone knows about it."

I nodded, How could I have forgotten? I thought walking towards the great hall.

I saw Aurora and Tonks standing while poor Bianka was crying covering her face with her arms. I immediately ran to the girls and sat beside Bianka, "Dear, its going to be alright." I said softly rubbing her back.

"I...I..." Bianka stuttered, "I just can't," more tears streamed down on her face, "face it." she chocked.

"You just did, B." Aurora said calmly.

"And you're too sweet!" Tonks added.

"Huh?" Bianka turned to face her cousins.

"Your bogart was our dead bodies." Aurora explained, "Meaning that you're scared of us dying, sweet!"

"In a morbid strange way." Tonks agreed emphasizing 'strange'.

"Thanks, Malfoy." Bianka looking at Aurora then turned to Tonks laughing at Aurora's red face, Bianka spat, "What the hell are you laughing about, Nymphadora?"

Tonks hair turned feiry red with anger. Bianka smirked as I gave her a wink.

"Mum!!!" Tonks whined.

"I might be your mother but you teased her." I smiled.

"Come on before, Mr. Lupin gets upset and gets angry at you, Tonks!" Bianka called out. She knows about Tonks crush on Remus and decides to use it.

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