Train Station Drama

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"All aboard!" yelled Hagrid.

The three cousins rushed to the train, "So what's it like?!" Bianka asked excitedly, "Christmas, I mean."

"You two are in for a treat, Christmas in the muggle world, is amazing!" Tonks answered a dreamy look in her eyes, "Christmas is family time."

Bianka's facial expression darken with sadness, she missed her parents dearly even if they did choose power over her.

"Oh, B, I'm sorry I wasn't thinking." Tonks apologize.

"No, its fine. Its just..." Bianka's voice trailed off.

"Alright, how 'bout this? Before we go home we stop by Azkaban?" Tonks suggested. "And we can also meet up with the Malfoys before Mum comes to get us?"

"I don't think that's such a bright idea." Bianka answered.

"Yeah, I mean Aunt Bella might wring are necks if we go see her." Aurora said after her long silence, "As for my family, I hardly think they would wanna see me."

"No harm in trying!" Tonks said ignoring her cousins warnings.

As the train came to a stop in platform 9 3/4, the three got off. Tonks was on the hunt for the Malfoy family, while Bianka and Aurora hoped that Andromeda would get there before the Malfoys. Unfortunately, they had no such luck for Tonks had spotted Narcissa Malfoy standing next to a post waiting for her son. As Tonks got closer to her aunt, she noticed that her eyes have sunked in and was the color red,"Hi, there!" Tonks casually greeted (morphed into a redheaded girl), "mind if I sit down?"

"Not at all." Narcissa replied, "You know you remind me of someone?"

"I get that a lot." Tonks smiled, "I'm Maria by the way, a 7th year Slytherin at Hogwarts."

"Maria, is it?" Narcissa raised her eyebrow.

"Um yes." Tonks smiled.

"Maria if I may ask what is your last name and where are you from?" Narcissa asked suspiciously.

"My name is Maria Santiago, my family is from Barcelona, Spain. I am actually the first generation to go to Hogwarts." Tonks smiled.

An awkward silence grew.

"If I may ask why do you look so sad?" Tonks begun she could see her cousins gesturing her to come.

"Maria, I have a daughter, and well, we just found out, that she had been sorted in Hufflepuff, after five years have passed, and she got disowned." Narcissa felt weirdly comfortable telling this young girl her family's secret, "I miss her!"

Tonks smiled and said, "I would be right back." Then she went to Aurora and Bianka.

"Come on,Aurora, your mother misses you!" Tonks dragged Aurora to Narcissa.

Narcissa was stunned by the display.

"Hello mother, dearest!" Aurora greeted in her dark voice.

Narcissa didn't know what to think she immediately hugged her daughter.

"Let go of me!" Aurora tried to push her mother away. But she hadn't succeeded in her efforts.

"Aurora, my baby!" Narcissa sobbed holding her daughter tight. "I am so sorry!"

Aurora felt herself crying, "I can't... I can't!" With all her strength she pushed her mother away. "I can't do this!"

"Aurora!" Narcissa with tear filled eyes mascara running down her cheeks, "Please, try to understand, I did what I had to."

"No, I don't understand, how could you just stand aside and watch your own daughter, your 'baby', get disowned?!" Aurora looked her mother in the eyes, "You said its for family honor, the way I see it is what you did is the most dishonorable thing a mother can do!"

"Aurora, I'm sorry, baby girl!" Narcissa continued to apologize.

Andromeda arrived at the platform, she saw her niece Aurora with her daughter, Tonks, in front of a crying woman, but where is Bianka? She thought, Oh there she is!

"Bianka!" Andromeda called out.

Bianka turned to see her aunt standing there, Bianka quickly went to her aunt's side, "hi." Bianka greeted.

"Merry Christmas, Dear!" Andromeda said, "Who are Tonks and Aurora talking to?"

"Aunt Cissa." Bianka said casually.

Andromeda marched quickly steam was coming out of her nostrils, "Narcissa!" Andromeda yelled.

Narcissa got up from her knees, wiping tears away. "Dromeda, I was just..." Narcissa blinked the tears forming, "just..."

"Leaving." Andromeda said voice filled with authority.

"Yes, I was just about to leave." Narcissa said chocking back the tears, "Take care of them, Dromeda, please."

As the four watched Narcissa leave, Andromeda put an arm around Aurora's shoulders.

Aurora cried on the car ride home.

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