The Calm Before The Storm

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Tonks's POV

We followed Bianka to the cell of her mother but was stopped by the same guard.

"Hold it!" the guard said, "Ms. Lestrange, I'm afraid you can't see your parents today."

Bianka turned around, smoke coming out of her nostrils, eyes puffy as if she was crying, "I don't Care!" she growls and continued to walk to her mother's cell.

"I'm really sorry." I said, "My cousin's having a really bad day."

"Sir, if you don't mind we would like to see our aunt, please." Aurora begged.

"Oh Alright thirty minutes!" the guard said opening the cell of our aunt.

"Bianka!" Bellatrix greeted. "Long time."

Bianka looked at her mother with pure hatred. "Explain?!" Bianka spat throwing the envelope to her mother.

"Where did you get this?" Bellatrix asked.

"Doesn't matter," Aurora said, "We need to know how you could do this?!"

' have to understand it wasn't out of freewill..." Bellatrix said.

"What? 'not out of freewill'." Bianka growled.

"Yes," Bellatrix looked at me.

I don't have time for this, Bella, I thought, Bianka is hurting because of you!

Bianka grabbed the letter, "Fine, if youre not gonna tell the truth I guess we'll have to find a loophole to this." She was about to walk away when she turned around and said, "Enjoy Hell, mother!"

I followed my cousins out, "Well, that was a little uncalled for." I sighed.

"Uncalled for?" Bianka turned around confused, "Don't tell me you bought that it's not of freewill beet?"

"Listen to me," I said, "I think what you did was very stupid and uncalled for not because I believe her but because Voldemort is a very dangerous wizard and it sucks that your engage to him, but we have bigger issues here, that needs to be dealt with right away your problem we could deal with later you have four years, not saying that we will wait till the night before your 24th birthday to plan things what I'm saying is prioritize, we won't stop looking for loopholes in that contract," I said pointing at the contract, "but right now we need to prove Sirius's innocence."

Both girls looked at me frightened. I smirked slightly as they both nodded their head furiously.

Daughters Of DarknessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora