The first kiss and farewells

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Aurora's POV

As everyone ran inside, I turned just as Bianka pulled Nate in and they kissed. I waited quietly for my cousin, not waiting to ruin her first kiss. I saw a glimpse of Bellatrix outside, jaw drop eyes puffy, and staring at her daughter.

"So?" I asked as Bianka joined me.

"Shut up" Bianka said, "this could be my last day I do not wish to die without my first kiss!"

"I saw your mother," I informed her, "while you were snogging Nate..."

"Please, can we just drop it!" Bianka moaned in annoyance.

"Fine!" I cast a spell on Dolohov, "But I still believe that your parents love you!"

Bianka ignored me concentrating on fighting.

Behind us Nate was fighting his own battle when he dropped his wand. Bellatrix ran going in front of Nate to protect him. She got hit by the curse as she fell, Bianka screamed, "MUM!!!"

Bellatrix fell to Nate's arms. I cursed the death eater, as Bianka and I ran to l
"Mum?" Bianka sobbed.

"Bianka?" Bellatrix whispered, "I'm so sorry, I love you."

"Mum?" Bianka was in panic mode, "Don't leave me, please!"

"Bella?" a man's voice shock.

The four of us looked up to see Uncle Rod standing there.

"Rod, look our little girl has grown up." Aunt Bella smiled at Bianka.

Bianka chuckled shakily, "Hi."

"Aurora, promise me that, you will forgive yourself." Aunt Bella croacked.

"I promise." I chocked.

Uncle Rod hugged Aunt Bella Bianka, Nate, and I moved back. Bianka sobbed on Nate's shoulder. I covered my mouth resisting the urge to cry out by crying out I would draw attention from the the other death eaters.

Uncle Rod stood up a few moments later shook his head to us.

"No!" I gasped, "No, no!" She can't be gone Bianka only got a few seconds to spent with her mother, She can't be dead! I thought mind was screaming.

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