Turn Around

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Draco's POV

I paced back and forth in the sitting room of Riddle Manor, I can hear Bianka sniffling. I couldn't take it. I open the metal door that led to the basement. Mr. Dolohov was sitting outside the cell, screaming insults at Bianka.

I cleared my throat, "I'll take it from here, sir."

Dolohov looked at me, nodded then got up, "Careful, Draco, she's a slippery slut."

I clenched my fists, How dare he, call Bianka that word?! She is anything but a slut! I wanted to punch Dolohov, drag him by his hair and kick him over and over till he learns his place. However, for appearance sake I nodded, as I sat down. Dolohov ran up the slamming the door behind him.

I slowly got up and unlock the gate, my cousin was lying on the ground facing the brick wall, "Hello, Draco," she said not even facing me, "thought you wouldn't wanna face your traitor cousin." Every word were like daggers to my heart.

"Bianka, look at me," I said, hurt by her hostility. She sat up and looked at me, her eyes once crystal blue now were gray and dull. "I'll help you escape." I stated in a hush voice.

"Wha- what? Why?" Bianka asked.

"'Cause you are my cousin." I answered. "Tell my sister that these would all be over soon."

She stood up,I gave her back her wand and she apparated out.

I stood there alone. Aunt Bella and Uncle Rod were surprised to say the least when they came in to find me standing alone with the cell gate wide open.

"Draco, where is she?" Aunt Bella asked, "Where is Bianka?"

I looked up at her, "Safe." I answered.

My aunt and uncle let out a sigh of relief.

My father and mother came rushing down to meet us, "Draco!" my father called, "Where is the prisoner?"

The prisoner, I thought, is father forgetting that Bianka is and forever will remain a Black, like mother, Aunt Bella, Aunt Andromeda, I don't care whether they have been disowned or not, we are forever family.

"Escaped." Aunt Bella answered.

I turned to face my aunt, I saw an older version of Bianka. I rubbed my eyes just to be certain.

Opening my eyes once more, to see the four of them starring at me.

"Is this true? How did that whore escape?!" father asked, blood boiling.

"She's very smart, you know?" I answered, "She cast a wandless spell to open the door and escaped by apparating."

"Lucius, I need to speak with these three in private, do you mind?" Aunt Bella asked father. Father left rather quickly.

"Draco, I know what you did." Mum said.

I looked at her trying to look confuse.

"Thank you." Aunt Bella softly said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"She's my savior." I admitted, "And she needed help."

Uncle Rod smiled, "Thank you, Draco."

"No problem," I smiled, "ever since I could remember Bianka did nothing but protect Aurora and I, when they had been sorted to Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, even if she knew lying would lead to their disownment, she lied to protect Aurora, from being disowned at the age of eleven." I sang Bianka praises and admitted, "It was my fault they're disowned, I told father about the secret."

"Secrets, curious things." Aunt Bella frowned, "Always comes out."

"Bella, you tried to explain the story about Bianka's engagement, there is nothing more you could have done." Mother reassured her.

"I still can't believe that really happened." I admitted. They all starred at me in disbelief. "It is rather a Bianka move," I defended, "she would put herself in front of a train if it means saving Aurora and she did do that!" I explained, "Now, I really should be going, Snape wants me to keep learning potions, even though I do not go to Hogwarts, anymore."

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