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Aurora's POV

Last time you had met my cousin, Bianka isn't she sweet? Her mother and father might be notorious criminals but I assure you Bianka's not like them. Like her mother Bianka's got raven curls and pale skin she was the mini Bellatrix. But Bianka's got her father's crystal blue eyes. She was a mixture of both of them, but she didn't get their arrogance or their thirst for power, Bianka Druella Lestrange would do anything to protect me, and Draco. She would fight her own parents to the death if necessary, she has a saying she lives by, "Hurt me, I'll let karma do her job, hurt the people I love and I become karma." She is also very smart, spends most of her time in the Malfoy library reading about history. Her intelligence is her one of her best qualities. That's why when the sorting hat announced, "Ravenclaw!" I was not surprised.

When it was my turn the hat said to me, "I know where you want to go and where you do not wish to go, but sadly you get neither."

"That's fine, just don't put me in Slytherin!" I begged the hat.

"Oh no I won't put you in Slytherin," the hat responded, "but you do need to be safe, Hufflepuff!" It screamed.

I looked back at Bianka, who sat on the Ravenclaw table staring at me as I made my way to the Hufflepuff table.

A girl 2nd year scooted towards me, "Hi, I think were related." the girl said.

"Um yeah, you're Nymphadora, right?" I asked uncertain if this was her, I haven't met her but from what I hear she's a metamorphagus.

Her hair went from bubble-gum pink to fiery red. "Don't call me 'Nymphadora'!"

Yup, it's her, I thought.

"Tonks, call me Tonks." She said shaking my hand, "and you are?"

"Aurora, Aurora Scarlett Malfoy." I said smiling.

At first, I did not understand what the hat meant by me needing to be protected and why it put me in Hufflepuff then I met Tonks.

After the feast I introduced Bianka to Tonks. Then the three of us went to Professor Dumbledore.

"Professor, our parents can't know what houses we were sorted to." I pleaded.

"Please, Professor, its for the schools safety." Bianka pleaded asked.

Bianka and I explained our families expectations and how it affects the school. The professor agreed not to notify our parents about the situation in exchange for information. We happily agreed to the terms.

Daughters Of DarknessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora