Growing up

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Andromeda's POV

I was in my house holding my grandson while pacing worried about my daughter and nieces.

Flashback (2 weeks prior)

Aurora ran into the house scared to death about something.

"Aurora, where is Bianka?" I asked, they went out earlier together.

"Bi...Bi..." she sobbed, catching her breath, "she is back in the manor and accepted the proposal!"

I gasped in she collapsed on the floor.

"A...A... are you alright? What happened? Where's B.?" my daughter bombarded her cousin with questions.

"B.,said something's are decided for us." Aurora muttered the words.

My daughter quickly got up and took her wand, "What? Why? How?"

"She chose the majority's happiness over her own, we need to save her." Aurora said in terror.

"Tonks!" Hermione knocked, "Please Tonks, Bianka sent us."

Hermione told us what happened, Bianka saved her by sacrificing herself for the world.

Flashback Ends

I heard footsteps outside, I reluctantly opened the front door, Bianka ran inside, wearing a torned wedding dress and veil, with Aurora wearing a pink bridesmaids dress. Followed by Tonks and Remus.

"Water?!" Aurora said, "Water?! Auntie, get her water."

I ran grabbing four water glasses and handing it to them.

"I...I..." Bianka started.

"Sit and calm down, Bianka, dear." I suggested, pointing to the sofa.

Bianka sat down, "I ran out on my wedding, Mother and Father have got to be disappointed."

I was surprised to hear Bianka address her parents as "mother" and "father" and I was even more surprised to hear that she cares enough to be scared of disappointing them.

"Bianka listen to me, you are tough. You have been through tougher situations than this." Aurora's pep talk, gave me a brilliant idea.

"Run away, if needed. Stay, if have to." I announced, "You ran away, cause it was needed."

"Wow, Mum, that was deep!" Tonks teased.

I frowned and said, "She ran because she knew it was wrong. You did the right thing, I'm proud of you."

"Yeah?" Bianka scowled, "Then why do I feel guilty?"

"Because, you still care for them." Aurora answered, then looked at Bianka's expression, "Deny it!" Aurora taunted.

"I can't." Bianka whispered.

"You can't deny the truth, truth is whatever happened in the past, you still love them." Aurora smiled.

"How did you grow up so fast, A?" Bianka asked.

"I grew up on time." Aurora defended, "Its you who needs to grow up!"

"When we were fifteen you said that I grew up too fast, so I delayed growing up so you can catch up." Bianka complained, "Now, you're telling me that I need to grow up!"

"That's the problem, you did not delay you stopped!" Aurora yelled, "Accept that you are the daughter of the two notorious death eaters, then you grow up!"

"I am the daughter of Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange, niece of Rabastan Lestrange and Lucious Malfoy, cousin of Draco Malfoy. I am Bianka Druella Lestrange, my family tree is made up of mainly death eaters!" Bianka recited as if giving an oral presentation in a class, "Happy?"

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