Chapter 5 - My Past

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Trey to the side in Mm>

Kyaa finally calmed me down. I went to lunch but wasn't in the mood to eat. Brooklyn and Brielle kept asking questions and talking about how Kyaa tried to cut them. They were cool and all at times but they were starting to piss me off. The only person who knew about my past was Kyaa. I got up from the table and walked away, I went to charge my phone. Knowing he's in the same building as me makes my skin crawl I just want to Sail Out... I saw Kyaa walking towards me but before she got to me a man's figure was before me. All the memories of what he did to me was flashing on and off in my head. I jumped and put my knees in my chest all I Could say was "PLEASE PLEASE, Don't hurt me I'm sorry I left I am just don't hurt me please."

Kyaa ran over and hugged me

KYAA: Presley it's Travis! breathe it's OK!

I finally looked up Travis' face was drowned with worry and sadness

TRAVIS: Drea!, I wouldn't hurt you why would I?

When I came to my senses i noticed he was wiping a few of my tears and I couldn't help but giggle.

Travis: What you giggling about?

Drea: It's just funny cause this morning I was drooling over you and now you're wiping my tears. That's all.

*2weeks Later *

It's been 2 weeks since I first saw him at school. I haven't seen him since then I know he's planning something just what? I haven't told Travis yet he said when I'm ready he's all ears. I guess I can say were talking now. Cause I'm not really ready for a boyfriend. Kyaa makes him drive me to school because she's afraid for me. Well Atleast she's driving that Benz well atleast when Taylor doesn't pick her up, Their a thing now Lol I'm happy for her! I stopped fucking with the twins I knew that was coming soon tho. But can you believe those hoes said I was jealous of them really ? I was going threw my own shit and paid no mind to their Bullshit. It was the end of the day and I really didn't feel like going to Travis's locker to wait on him so I went to straight to his black Range Rover and waited for him there. He finally made his way out and got in the car. He leaned over and gave me a kiss on my cheek, he stills make my heart race!

Travis: I was looking you,cutie "

he said before starting the car.

Drea: Sorry I didn't really feel like waiting.

He nodded and but his hand on my Thigh. I turned on the radio, the station was on a commercial break. I kicked off my white and black Jordan 10's and put my knees in my chest and looked out the window. Love the Way You Lie by Eminem and Rihanna had came on. That song Basically told my past so I guess I should get up the balls and tell Travis Myself.

Drea: Travis, I wanna tell you....

He pulled up into The Pancake House parking lot and got out. He jogged around to open my door. I quickly slid my shoes back on. He grabbed my hand and we walked in.

Waitress: Hello, Welcome to Lucy's Pancake House! Table for 2?

Travis: Yes, please!

He said while smiling. We followed the waitress to a Booth and sat down.

Waitress: Can I start you two off with something To drink?

Travis: umm Two waters for now.

Waitress: Alright then I'll be back with those!

Travis smiled giving her the okay to leave,then he looked into my eyes to give me the okay to speak. I took a deep breathe and spoke up.

Drea: Well before I came to Westbrook, I went to Taft all way on the other side of Chicago There was this guy named Trey, all the girls wanted him but he wanted me. I wouldn't give him the time of day tho but he kept trying, finally we went on a date and he we hit it off well at least I thought the first month was good almost perfect until he got mad cause I didn't want to stay the night with him, he took me to his house anyway and told me what he says goes! and just beat me, like he beat me til I blacked out. When I woke up he was raping me. I was screaming and begging for him to stop, I thought he loved me I really did, but all he did was beat me more. "

I fought back the tears as I told Travis, he grabbed my hand and rubbed it.

I took another Deep breathe and continued.

Drea: That's why I came all the out here to get away, but that day at school I seen him, he looked at me and smiled, I hate him for what he did to me." I said before busting into tears.

Travis came and sat next to me and held me at that very moment I felt safe in his arms, as if Trey was never gonna find me, like was protected, I felt secure in Travis's arms. He left a $5 tip even tho we never ate or got our damn water. He walked me to car, but before opening the door he locked hands with mine and looked in my eyes. I swear my heart sped up 10x faster.

Travis: I won't hurt you, I'm sorry that happened to you, but I promise while I'm in your life Nothing will happen to you, Presley I got you I just need you to Trust me.

Them blueish grey eyes had me on cloud 9

DREA: I trust you Travis...

He licked his lips, and leaned in slowly. My heart continued to speed up. I just couldn't believe he was gonna kiss me. My thoughts got cut off when I felt his soft lips on mine. He leaned back and opened my door. I closed it and before he got in the car I said a quick prayer "God I love you and you what's best for me please don't let me be a dummy in this relationship if it ain't right for me let me know I love you Amen "

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