Chapter 18 - This is Me

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Months Later...

Well y'all since that day... I've been good I guess. I'm single, I still talk to Ace but only about our unborn and I cut him off whenever he try to talk about "us". Chris bought me a condo not to far from his house he calls and texts me everyday and stops by when he can.Dudes be tryna talk to me but I blow them off, I think it's because my heart still belongs to Ace... He gets upset when I call him Ace. I haven't called him by his name since that incident and that was about 5 months ago... My heart still hurts tho. Alot of things have changed including me, my appearance, I'm really cold hearted now, I don't really care about too much right now except my child and getting this money for him or her. Chris basically running shit, well after Ace. I make sure when he not there I am. Him and Ace get mad when they find out I'm there but they ain't my daddy! Kyaa... ha and Taylor been going through some shit! Alot of shit! That's all I'm gone say but We graduate in Two months I'm excited but upset at the same time who wants to cross the stage 7 months pregnant? but it's cool I guess.

I got out of bed and headed to my bathroom to take a shower. I was starting to show and man this pregnancy shit ain't easy either. When I finished my hygiene my phone was ringing it was Ace.

Drea: Hello

Travis: Drea we gotta talk it's important.

D: About?

T: A Lot!

D: OK well we can talk after my appointment today... are you coming ?

T: Yea imma be there, Drea I love you.

D: Yea I bet

I hung up, I wanted to say I love you too but my pride wouldn't let me. I walked in the closet and picked out an outfit for today. I put on my true religion jeans, a white shirt, a grey and black varsity jacket and my gold chain. I refuse to wear maternity clothes you can be cute and pregnant in regular clothes, I've went from a small to medium in 5 months! My appointment was @ 1:00 and it was already 12:34 ,I slipped on my Timbs and brushed my newly dyed honey blond hair down, put in my diamond earrings and grabbed my LV purse.

I walked outside and got in my All white Mercedes Benz 4 matic truck. Chris bought it for me after he bought me this Condo he just don't know how grateful I am. I got my pregnant ass in, and looked in the mirror something was missing, so put on my pink lipstick and my Raybans. I ran my fingers down my hair to fix it up a little and started the car. I pulled off and drove to the hospital. I found a park and headed up to my Ob-Gyn's office when I made it there, Ace was already there and had signed me in. That was nice, I went over and sat next to him, he ain't even notice me.

*Travis's POV*

I was in this damn waiting room waiting for Drea. Today, we learn the sex of our baby, we couldn't before because the way the baby was laid you couldn't see, our baby wasn't turning or nothing, stubborn just like it's damn mama but I love both of them. I was on my phone cause my nigga Royce was texting me about some business shit but I told him I was at the doctor with Drea and I'd get back to him. That's when this fine ass girl came and sat by me, she had a fat ass like damn! Shit I would knock up her ass up too! Then, I finally looked up to see a face, Damn shit I did knock her up that's Drea! She looked different she had gotten thicker obviously! and she changed her hair from brown to a cute brownish blonde. Gawd I regret fucking up everytime I see her.

Travis: Hey D

Drea: Took you long enough to speak.

NURSE: Presley?

She got up and I followed behind her just watching that ass Gawd she got so thick! After they did all that weight and height shit we finally made it to the room.

T: I don't know why they keep taking yo height you gone be 5'0 all yo life!

She ain't say nothing. Eventually the doctor came in and her and Drea were talking, She finally got ready to do the ultrasound.

Dr.Gabby: OK Presley this is gonna be cold.

She put the jelly on Drea's stomach and she grabbed my hand, I guess it was that cold. She let my hand go but I grabbed it back. She looked at me crazy, but didn't let my hand go.

Dr.Gabby: OK, there's your Baby, there's the head, heart, hands, and feet.

She said pointing out all the body parts. Drea just couldn't stop smiling. I was smiling too! G, that's my baby right there!

Dr.Gabby: Are you ready to find out the sex?

Me and Drea nodded while saying yes! Dr.Gabby moved the scanner looking thing down Drea's stomach and I was getting anxious!

Dr.Gabby: I'm glad to tell you, you're having a girl!

Drea smiled even harded, and I kissed her hand.

Dr. Gabby: I can play her heartbeat for you as I go print out the ultrasound photos.

Drea: That'll be Great can we get a couple of the 3D ultrasound photos as well.

She nodded and walked out.

Travis: Drea you know I'm sorry and will be forever... But please give me another chance so we can raise our child --

She cut me off before I could finish.

Drea: Ace I never have and never will tell you, you can't raise your child... That's just wrong we have a little girl now and we need to put aside our issues and take care of her two people made her and two people will raise and take care of her together or not...

Travis: Travis D, its Travis stop calling me Ace please, I want you too tho D, like I get it I fucked up...Bad, but please you don't know how hard it is to .... D you gotta a nigga begging and I ain't never begged before.

Drea: You don't know how bad you hurt you me, You cheated on me with a bitch that I use to be cool with and don't say you ain't know cause you did! Honestly we were moving to fast for our own good ! You need to give me a little more time...

Travis: Alright then, well after this you'll come with me too my mama house, her and Chyna been waiting to see you.

Drea: Yea...

The doctor came back in with the pictures and talked to Drea some more about pregnancy shit after they finished Drea set up her next appointment and we left, surprisingly we were parked next to each other.

When we made it my mom's house Her and Chyna wouldn't even let Drea breathe. They were rubbing all over her stomach and asking questions.

MOM: Drea, She looks just like you she's gonna have Travis's Eyes I can tell! Aw my grandbaby so adorable!

Chyna: My niece ain't even born yet and she the shit!

I laughed knowing it was true! Then my fucking phone rang.

*Drea's POV*

Travis's phone rang and he walked off, when he came back his face was taken over by anger, Ms.Brie tried to calm him down but it wasn't working, I knew by then it was time to intervene... Ughhhh I got up walked over to him pushing him outside.

Drea: Travie calm down it's OK, " I said while intertwining our fingers together then kissing him " Bae,.... I love you but I need you to calm down and talk to Me OK Bae?"

I knew saying that would calm him down, shit I even just convinced myself he was my bae, He looked at me and his anger was fading slowly.

Travis: We gotta go to the trap, Harlem stepping down and giving that shit to me, you don't know how much that's gone affect you and and her " he said touching my stomach.

I went inside grabbed my purse and kissed Chyna and Ms.Brie Bye. I grabbed the keys to Travis's Rover and backed out, I followed closely behind him... I wasn't even worried about myself, I was just worried about my baby and her daddy who I unfortunately loved, so when we made it to the trap I loaded both my pistols and put one in my purse with some extra bullets and the other along with my revolver on the waistband in the back of my pants and hopped out. I was gone hold Travie done regardless point blank period.

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