Chapter 24- Leave

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The revolver when off twice in my hand. Oh shit what did I just do? I just killed a nigga in broad daylight and fucking public! What was I thinking! This ain't the trap! I looked at his dead body lay on the ground and I was scared, for the first time I killed somebody was scared! Chyna grabbed the gun out out my hand and motioned me to the back seat of the car. I started to cry and Kyaa held me and tried to calm me down but this time it was working. Chyna sped all the way home and the ride was silent, dead silent. She hopped out the car, I was still panicking. She opened the door and Travis was coming down the stairs while stuffing his face with cereal.

Travis: What's wrong with you Drea?

Drea: Travis, I-I-I shot him, Travis I fucked up I did it in public! It just went off , I can't go to jail right now I 5 months pregnant! Teyani deserves better than that Travis!

Travis: WHAT? Who did you shoot?!

Drea: Trey

I busted into tears, what the fuck did I just get myself into? Don't get me fucked up I'm not soft! But when it affects Teyani, hell yea I'm gone cry I won't let my child get fucked over because I fucked up.

Travis: Chyna go pack up her shit now! And call Jorge tell him I need new license plates!

Drea: Why she packing up my stuff where I'm going?

Travis: You can't stay here Drea you gotta leave now, Tonight! Shit you just killed a nigga in broad daylight! The police gone be all over this!

Drea: What I'm gone do , where I'm gone?

Travis: Shit Harlem got a place in Atlanta, L.A, and New York you choose but you leaving tonight no if ands or buts about it's the best for right now till this shit clear up!

Kyaa: What NO you just finna send my best friend off like that , I gonna too shit!

Travis: No can't nobody go she can't have nobody or nothing that ties to her and don't you gotta boyfriend Taylor, Chris shit whoever!

Kyaa: Haha very fucking funny don't get fucked up Travis.

Drea: What about you ain't you coming with me ? What about my doctors appointments? How long am I staying?

Travis: No I can't and we'll handle that and get everything figured out.

Just then Chyna had came back down with my bags, and I looked at Travis I saw the hurt in his eyes. I felt horrible he kissed he and walked to Chyna's car. He put my bags in and came over to my door.

Drea: Im sorry....

Travis: Remember this morning when you told me you was riding for me , holding a 9 for me, if the cops came and snatched me up you was doing time for me and put you right hand the bible and straight lying for me? Baby I gotchu I just need you to trust me wait for my call, I LOVE YALL!

He kissed me and my belly, and Teyani kicked, he closed the door and felt damn near a ocean fall from my eyes... Chyna drove to some airport looking place but it wasn't it was very private. There was only one plane, it was small and jet like. Me and Chyna got out and she got my bags. When we got to plane she gave my bags to the flight attendant and she hugged me.

Chyna: Drea, be safe I'm gone miss you but it'll be okay, Travis got this !

Drea: I know , I know but Chyna please just make sure he stay safe, please!

She nodded and I got on the jet, not even knowing where I was going or long I was leaving for all I knew Is that I really fucked up...


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