Chapter seventy two.

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Chapter seventy two.


** warning this chapter could be classed as triggering**


The journey home from Emma’s dads was pretty silent the only noise was the quite playing of the radio, honestly I don’t know why I listen to the radio I don’t even like the music they play.

Emma actually seems pretty ok considering what’s just happened, either that or she’s just gotten really good at hiding her emotions.

I really hope that isn’t the case because the fact that I can always tell exactly how she’s feeling is really important because I noticed when she’s down and it helps me to stop her from hurting herself.

Her dad acted like a complete dickhead back there I honestly didn’t think he’d react the way he did, yeah I didn’t expect him to throw us a party and celebrate but I also didn’t think he’d be so harsh.

Emma completely blew up but it’s to be expected really no one can keep that much in for that long, she had to say it eventually and it just happened to be now.

I already knew all the things she told her dad but it still hurt me a lot so I can’t imagine how much it hurt him.

I’d like to say him and Emma will fix things but it’s not like he deserves it.

I read something the other day that really spoke to me ‘you don’t owe your parents anything. They chose to have you, keep you and raise you. You didn’t choose to be their child. Any expectations or ideals they try to enforce on you are bullshit if you don’t agree with them. They should accept their child for who they are not judge them on a minor detail that doesn’t affect their life. Don’t feel bad if you’re not the child your parents think you should be’ And although this doesn’t 100% link to the situation between Emma and her dad its saying she didn’t ask for him to raise her but because he did why couldn’t he raise her properly.

I feel like all her life Emma felt like she had to be more than she was, like she constantly had to improve but never could and the constant battle she had trying to do this eventually drowned her and trapped her inside the mess she’d created within her own head. She was never actually told she wasn’t good enough or that there wasn’t any point in her existence but that doesn’t mean she wasn’t made to feel that way.

Its like her own thoughts consumed her and made her unable to see anything good in herself. I can only hope she’s overcome some if not all of those feelings now because she needs to do so in order to ever live a normal life.

I’m not saying I ever want to be parent but I know for certain if by some turn of events a became one there is no way I would ever allow my child to fall into the same hole inside their own head millions of teenagers get stuck into nowadays.

I’d make my child feel loved at every opportunity, I wouldn’t overlook the warning signs that are clearly flashing off right in front of me. I wouldn’t pass off depression or suicidal behaviour as attention seeking. I wouldn’t ignore the fact that my child didn’t leave their room for days on ends and just blame it as laziness. If they ever came to me and told me how they were feeling I would do something about it even if it’s just talking to them I’d do whatever I could. No way would I just ignore them.

Forced to become Mrs Styles (A Harry Styles AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ