Chapter sixteen

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Raines P.O.V

We were still in the car while I was driving. It was silent all of sudden I hear a dinging  noise in the car." Who's phone is that" I said it was none of our phones I look down and see a red but to I grab it and realize what it is.

"Fuck guys this is a tracker the guys are prob-I was cut off by some asshole honking  on the side of me I turn." Fuck it's them girls they caught up fast shit shit" I said I was nervous.

"Switch with me Raine I'll lose them"
Aaliyah said I pressed on the gas pedal before Letting Aaliyah sit in my place once she got ahold I sat in her seat.

Aaliyah's P.O.V

Me and Raine switched spots one thing about me is that o can care less about the laws I'm a reckless driver and I like to race sometimes.

I swerve in front of the guys and they almost fell off the rode damn it so close. They started speeding and  we were side by side Antonio kept honking trying to tell me to roll the window I look to my side and see ducking Alex I flip him over and started speeding Alex starts speeding and when he's by my side I press on the brakes making us turn around I sped off taking a sharp turn  I look back and see the guys trying to turn but run in trash cans I sped off and saw a hotel.

"Girls I'm gonna stop at this hotel get ready to jump out and run in and get a
room quickly it's not gonna take they guys long to get to us.

"I said to them. I reached the hotel and we jumped out and I locked the car and seeing the guys driving towards us." Go go go quickly"I yelled." Hi yes I need a room too floor quickly" Raine yelled throwing money at the lady." Okay yes ma'am".

The lady said grabbing a key giving it to her." Stop right there now" we all turned seeing the guys coming towards us we starting running towards the elevator they open and we jump in quickly pressing the close button." Stop right there-Antonio yelled almost coming in but the doors closed just on time thank the lord.

Natasha's P.O.V

We look for our room number 7235 we see it and run towards it not wasting time just in case the guys came from the stairs.

"Hopefully they don't find us we are on the top floor" Raine said out of breath laying in one of the beds. All of sudden we hear banging on our door.

"who the fuck is banging on the door like a damn stupid ass" Raine said getting up pissed of she hates whine people do that.

She swings the door open and squeaks trying to close the door back." Don't just stand there  help me damn" she yelled trying to shut the door before the guys came in.

We all run and help her out but it's like four mouses against four cats we start sliding from pushing so far and the guys bust in grabbing us one by one. Shit it's about to go down.

Ashely's P.O.V

"menospreciarme puta ahora te juro que voy a descuartizar"(put me down right fucking now i swear i am going to butcher you) I yelled as Anthony throws me over his shoulder.

"Now why should you do that to the man you love Tesoro" he said walking down the hall and entering the key card in his room. Little does he know I have a pocketknife in my bra for safety just in case and today is my lucky day hehe. He puts me in the bed and turn around but bad idea I take out the pocketknife and run over to him tripping him making him call on his back.

I straddle him and out the knife to his neck." Now now Tesoro out that down before you hurt yourself" he said calmly with his hands on my waist bring the Sparks back I shiver from the one touch.

"Shut the hell up before I cut you. Do you think I forgive you I will never forgive you. You killed someone Alex with a gun." I said as I felt tears leave my eyes he wipes them with his giant thumb." I'm sorry Tesoro I'm so sorry please forgive me I'm sorry" he said as he embraces me and squeezes me tightly not caring that I have a knife in my hand.

Is it bad that I forgave him the moment he picked me up." I'm sorry baby please" he said as he looks at me and he immediately kisses me with so much passion oh lord I give up I started kissing him back I'm falling for a murder.

Soooo we saw what happened what do you think?  What happen with Raine and Antonio when he picked her up? And the others is Ashley falling in love with Anthony? What about the others? Find out on the next chapter keep reading. Byee💋

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