#4 Oak~Your Birthday

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It's Oaktober and Thursday was my birthday so....

You wake up with your boyfriend's strong arms wrapped around you. You sigh happily and groggily whisper, "Good morning."

He chuckles and lets you out of his grasp. "Good morning, birthday girl."

You bury your head in the crook of his neck. "Don't remind me; I'm getting old."

He kisses the top of your head and changes the subject. "What do you want to do?"

"Right now, I just want coffee."

He kisses your head one last time before going to make your coffee. When he comes back, he has a tray of your favorite breakfast. You squeal and kiss him. He just smiles and sits next to you, occasionally stealing a bit of food.

The two of you spend the rest of the day watching movies and making fun of them and drifting in and out of sleep.

At 5:45 you feel Oak gently shake you awake. "Come on, baby girl, time to get up."

You groan. "I don't wantta."

"(Y/N/N), get up. We're going out to eat. I wanted to give you time to get dressed," he coos.

"Fine." You start to go to your closet to get a dress, but Oak hands you a dress and leaves to give you some privacy while you get ready. You slip on the light blue dress and do your hair, before starting your makeup. When you come out of your shared bathroom, you see Oak waiting for you by the door. "Ready to go?"

You nod and follow him out. The two of you walk through the busy streets of New York to a semi-formal restaurant that you went to on your first date.

After dinner, he takes you on a walk through Central Park. He holds your hand as you rest your head on his shoulder. The two of you slowly come to a stop and you sit on a bench, beckoning him to sit next to you, but he doesn't move.

"Oak, are you okay?" You reach a hand out to him, but he starts to kneel.

"(Y/N), these past few years have been the best. We've been with each other through everything. All those times you should have left me but didn't. I can't picture my life without you. (Y/full/N), will you marry me?"

You're too stunned to speak. Instead, you wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him passionately. When you pull away, he looks into your eyes. "Is that a yes?"

You giggle and kiss him again. "Of course, it's a yes, you dork."

He chuckles and kisses you once more before walking back to your apartment.

(A/N: I hope you liked that! I got the Hamilton vinyl for my birthday and omg it is so good! Also, in physics, I was writing Hamilton lyrics on my binder and the e kid across from me was like "are those all the Hamilton lyrics?!" And I nodded and he was like "HOW DO YOY MEMORIZE ALL THAT?!" I have the next two imagined written. One for Laurens and one for lmm. Have a wonderful day!)

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