#27 Jefferson~Love Isn't About Whether You Get Stabbed (Pt. 2)

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As soon as Thomas shuts the door to your house, you sob into his chest. You had been trying so hard to keep it together in front of Alex, but he can't say anything to you in your own home.

Thomas wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his office and leads you to your bed. "It's okay, sweetheart. It's okay."

"No, it really isn't. I should have known he would have done something like that."

Thomas straightens his arms and holds you so that you are looking at him. "(Y/N), there is absolutely no way you could have known he would be there. I am sorry that I let my temper, rather than my brain, control me. Had I known he was your brother, I would have been much more refined."

You wipe the last of your tears. "It doesn't matter now. What's done is done."

Thomas seems a bit taken aback by your sudden change of character, but he doesn't question you. "I'll make dinner. Why don't you take a nap?"

You nod and pull the curtains on the side of Thomas's office closed. You wake up to the bed dipping where Thomas sat next to you with a bowl of mac and cheese. You smile and graciously take the food from him. "I've got some work to do. I'll be on the other side of the curtain if you need me." He gently kisses your head and stands up.

After a few minutes, you pull the curtain back and watch as your husband fiddles with some of the tools on his desk. He has always been fascinated with science. You slowly climb out of bed and walk over to him, wrapping your arms around his neck, causing him to turn to face you. "What's got you up?"


He kisses you. "Well, damn, whatever it is I'm doing, tell me, so I can do it again."

You sit on his lap and kiss him. "You're just being you."

Alexander's POV

"How was your meeting?" Eliza greets.

I walk passed her and into my office, shutting the door behind me. I don't even make it to my desk before I collapse into sobs. "It's hard to believe I'm related to such an arrogant, fool," I repeat. She really feels that way? I just thought she would have seen the injustice that Jefferson practices. I thought she would have been happy to see me. I thought-

Thinking. That seems to be the root of most of my problems.

I bang my head against the heavy, wooden door. Of course, she was mad. She sails to the mainland, having a terrible fear of the ocean. She finds the love of her life and expects me to like him. We lose all contact with each other. And the first thing I do is reprimand her for her husband.

(A/N:Have a good week!)

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