#52 Maria~Say No To This

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I'm so original with titles

You pull your hair back into a sloppy bun to keep it out of your way while you write. You are a bestselling author. Your publisher required you to write another book, due to the success of your last one, and they wanted it now. Of course, you waited until the last minute to write it.

"(Y/N)," your wife calls as she taps on the door. "I know that you're busy, but I was hoping that you could come with us to the lake. I know you liked it the last time we went."

You finish the paragraph you're on before turning to her. "I'm sorry. I-"

"'I just have to finish this.' I know. I know." She comes over and wraps her arms around your shoulders. "Angelica's going to be there."

You break away from your writing to look up at her. "I just have to finish this."

She smiles sadly and squeezes your shoulders. "We're leaving in two days. Hopefully, you can join us."

You don't leave your office in those two days, making it obvious that you aren't going. She still knocks on your door that morning. "(Y/N/N)? Are you sure you aren't going?"

You shake your head. "I'm sorry."

She gives you a small smile and a quick kiss. "I love you."

"I love you, too. Have fun with your sister."

She gives your arms a quick squeeze. "Come up if you get the chance."

"We'll see."


Your wife left only a day ago, and you're already missing her, but you work through it, knowing that if you can just finish this, then everything will have been worth it. You could give Eliza the life she deserves. You pull yourself away from your desk, and rub your eyes. You had been staring at your laptop screen for almost five hours straight. Your hands were starting to cramp. You grab an apple and head up to your room like Eliza would want you to.

You wake up the next morning and try to pull her closer to you. When your arm meets the mattress, you're reminded that you are alone. You sigh and take a shower. You don't bother to dry your hair before going back to your office. You hear a knock on the door, when you pass it. You know it can't be your wife, but you open it anyway. You're greeted with a young lady, her mascara running down her face; her bright red lipstick smeared.

"Can I help you?" you ask, opening the door wider for her to come in.

She nervously wrings her hands. "I'm so sorry to show up uninvited like this, but my husband-he-he-" she breaks into sobs.

You immediately engulf her into a hug and run your fingers through her dark curls. "Shh, shh. It's okay."

She sniffles and breaks away from your embrace. "He's beating me," she whimpers, causing you to gasp. "Now-now he left me. I don't have the means to go on."

You offer her the money she needs and tell her that she is more than welcome to stay with you.

She grabs your hands. "Thank you. Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this helps."

She spends the rest of the day with you, pulling you away from your work, something Eliza was never able to do. "Well," she says as the sun sets, "I better get going. I really enjoyed my time with you."

You smile and stand up with her. "Would you like a ride home?"

"That would be wonderful."

You walk with her up to her door. She suddenly gets nervous. "Stay?" she asks.

You think of your wife who is upstate with her sister. She won't know, right?

You follow Maria into her apartment. You look around the small space, while she leads you to her bed. "Just say no," she mutters against her lips.


You wake up the next morning, tangled in Maria's arms. There's a brief moment of serenity when nothing matters. There are no consequences to what happened last night. As long as you stay in this bed, your limbs tangled with hers, nothing can hurt either of you.

She slowly opens her eyes. "I thought you would have left by now."

You kiss her slowly. "I wouldn't dream of it." 

(A/N: I'm so bi. I am so fucking bi. Have a good day!)

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