#109 Maria~Cliches

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You lay your head on your girlfriend's lap as she attempts to find a Christmas movie the both of you like. "Elf?" She suggests, causing you to shake your head.

"We watched that last night."

"The Santa Clause?"

"If it's not the one with Jack Frost, I'm not interested."

She sighs. "You're going to have to pick something."

"Tell you what, you can pick a movie, any movie, and I'll make some hot chocolate-" her eyes light up- "and bring out the cookies, and I won't complain about your terrible choice in Christmas movies."

She giggles. "Says the person who picked Muppets Christmas Carol."

You place your hand over your heart. "Muppets Christmas Carol is a treasure and should be protected at all costs. It features all the joy of a Christmas movie, with the heart-warming Dickens' story, told by every child's favorite characters, and classic lines, such as: 'Light the lamp, not the rat', 'No cheeses for the meeses', and 'Even the vegetables don't like him' to name a few."

She raises her eyebrow. "You done yet?"

You nod and stand up. "Yeah, I'm done." You kiss her forehead before going to the kitchen, knocking her Santa hat off as you do so.


You pick it up and place it on your head.


You come back into the living room, balancing two mugs of hot chocolate, topped with mini marshmallows, whipped cream, and candy canes, in one hand and a tray of various peppermint flavored sweets and cookies in the other. As you set the tray on the coffee table, Maria takes the hat off your head. You smile and sit next to her. "What movie did you pick?"

"You'll see," she answers, taking a sip of the drink. "God, you are some kind of hot cocoa wizard."

You blush and turn your attention to the TV. The opening credits of The Polar Express play on the screen. "Good choice."

She wraps her arms around you, pulling you into her lap. "I knew you'd like it."

About halfway through the movie, she shifts uncomfortably. "(Y/N), I know it's still Christmas Eve, but I can't wait any longer to give you your present."

You move so that you can face her. "Okay?"

She takes both of your hands in hers. "(Y/N), I love you more than anything, and I just- I'm going to keep this short because if I don't, I'll start crying. I can't picture my life without you. Will you marry me?" She pulls a ring out of the band of the Santa hat.

You giggle slightly, causing her to panic. You quickly stop. "No, no. It's not like-hang on." You rush to the tree, grabbing one of the ornaments and hand it to her. "Open."

"I'd kinda like an answer," she says, tears filling her eyes.

You give her a quick kiss. "Open it, please."

She does as she's told. The top of the ornament comes off, revealing a ring and small note. Gently biting her lip, she takes the note out. "Maria," she read aloud, "I have never been one for cliches; you know that, but proposing to an angel on Christmas seemed like too much to pass up. You, Miss Maria, are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. I love you beyond belief and wouldn't know what to do if you weren't here, by my side, through everything. In attempts to not ruin another one of these notes with my tears (this is the fifth one I've written), I'm going to keep this short. Will you be my wife?" She looks up at you. "So, this is a yes?"

You giggle. "Of course, this is a yes."

She slides her ring onto your finger and yours onto hers before engulfing you in a hug. She pulls away just long enough to look at you. "You have a bit of whipped cream right here," she whispers as she leans down to kiss you.

You shake your head. "God, you are so cliche."

"One of us has to be."

You kiss her again. "And, besides, it's not like you ever need a reason to kiss me."

"I know, but," she kisses you again, "you just make it so fun."

(A/N: So, I was thinking of starting writing for Les Mis. What do you think?)

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