#59 Philip~I Don't Say No To This

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You walk through the crowded hallway, holding your books close to your chest. You make it to class fairly early and sit in your usual seat in the back. Philip, your boyfriend, sits beside you and kisses your forehead.

"Hey," you whisper.

His face falls. "Did he...?" He doesn't finish the sentence, knowing you don't like to talk about your dad.

"I deserved it. I was-"

He gently grabs your hand. "(Y/N), listen to me. You did nothing to deserve it. No one deserves it. You're welcome to stay with us anytime you need to. My parents would love to help you. And my dad would do-"

You shake your head. "Really, Philip. I'm fine. Like I said, 'I deserved it.'"

"But-" The bell rings and Mr. Miranda walks in, cutting Philip off. This was your last class, and it went by too quickly for your liking. As soon as you went home, you would have to go straight to your room, pretending you didn't see your boyfriend's dad walking out of your mother's room or the large wad of cash he handed your father, and stay there until you had to help your mother with dinner. Sometimes Mr. Miranda would let you help organize his room or grade papers, letting you avoid your family for a little while longer, but today, you were on your own.

You sit for a few minutes after the bell rings. Philip doesn't notice. He's in such a hurry to leave, that he gets caught in the crowd. Once everyone has left, you pack your bag and walk down the stairs to your locker, where Philip is waiting for you.

"I mean it. You could-"

You shake your head and put a few textbooks up. "I'll be fine. I promise."

"But what if-" You kiss him, cutting off his protests.

"I'll be fine."


You manage to avoid your father all afternoon. You go to sleep early, knowing that he won't wake you up. The next morning comes much earlier than you would have liked, and it starts with a frantic series of texts from Philip.

From: Philip

To: (Y/N)

Did you know?

From: Philip

To: (Y/N)

Please tell me you didn't know

From: (Y/N)

To: Philip

Didn't know what? Philip, what's going on? Is everything okay?

He sends you a link. You gasp when you read the headline. Alexander Hamilton's Torrent Affair. You don't bother reading the article. The picture of him walking out of your house tells you everything you need to know. You run out of the house, knowing that your father will be mad at the article, and you would rather not be there for the initial anger. You tell him that you are going to the library to study, but you go to your boyfriend's house.

Philip's younger brother, Will, opens the door. "Philip's in his room. He's crying."

You nod slightly and thank him before walking up the stairs to Philip's room. "Philip?" you call, gently tapping on his door. "I'm coming in." You slowly push the door open and see him sitting on the floor, next to his unmade bed, knees pulled up to his chest as he cries. You drop to your knees beside him. Your hand rubs comforting circles in his back, while your other hand rests on his knee. "I'm sorry," you whisper. "I am so so sorry."

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