#78 Alexander~I Have So Much Work To Do

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You frantically type at your laptop, groaning when a sentence doesn't sound good or if you can't think of a word. Every time your laptop lags, you pull out your textbook and try to find the answer in there. Not only did you have a lab report due tomorrow, first period, but also you had to finish coding your team's robot. Yes, team. Almost everyone on your team was an engineering major because they wanted the money, but they didn't know anything about what it required. You, on the other hand, chose the major because it was something you were passionate about.

"(Y/N)?" your boyfriend calls from the bedroom. "What are you doing?"

"How do I make it pick up the colored block?"

He sighs and walks over to you. "(Y/N). You've been working on this since Friday. Take a break."

You ignore him and keep typing, throwing your group members under the bus in your lab report.

"Don't make me do this."

"Alex, let me finish. I don't have much left. Just the conclusion and the last bit of the code."

He doesn't listen to your request and picks you up.

"Alex," you cry, "put me down! I have to finish this!"

"And what happens if you don't?"

"I fail! Why did I ever do this?! I'm such an idiot!"

He sets you down and looks at you. "You are not an idiot. You are the smartest person I know. Don't you dare say that about yourself again."

You start crying and start hitting your thighs, mumbling about how stupid you are. Alex grabs your hands and pulls you into his arms. "It's okay. It's okay. You're just a little overwhelmed. How about we go get dinner? It's almost eight p.m. and all you've had to eat today was the granola bar I made you eat."


"(Y/N), you've been crying so much that you can't see. Let's eat."

"But I don't want anyone to see me like this."

"Then, we'll go away from campus. You need a break."

You sigh and give in, knowing how stubborn your boyfriend can be. He smiles and leads you out to his car. He passes all the usual places the two of you eat and to a McDonalds on the other side of town.

"Isn't this a little far?"

He shakes his head as he opens the door for you. "Not at all. I'll go order for you if you want to take a seat."

You smile slightly and kiss his temple. "Thank you. For everything."

The two of you spend almost an hour at the restaurant before Alex takes you back home. After you finally finish your project and paper, you crawl into bed and nuzzle yourself into his chest. "I love you."

He pulls you close and kisses you. "I love you, too. Now get some sleep."

(A/N: so when I talked to the teacher he basically told me that I should be able to speak in his class. So that was great. Love you!)

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