#90~Drabbles (NEW ONES ADDED)

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Bunch of drabbles w/prompts

Thomas Jefferson x Reader:

"His ego is so visible; I can almost watch it grow."
"I think I'm in love with you and that scares me half to death."

"His ego is so visible; I can almost watch it grow." This is how your friend introduced you to a Mr. Thomas Jefferson. You believed him at first but after many nights filled with everything you longer for from a man who treated you as if you were his world, you couldn't believe that anymore.

"(Y/N)?" Thomas calls. "Can we talk?"

You nod and walk over to him. "Of course."

"I think I'm in love with you and that scares me half to death. I know that you've been hurt before and u can't stand the thought that I might be the next one to hurt you. What happens when I screw up? You know I will. I know your friends will be pissed but I don't care. As long as I'm with you, we can do anything. Even get through dinner."

You smile and kiss him. "I love you too."


Philip Hamilton x Reader:

"I might have had a few shots."
"Were you ever going to tell me?"

"Say it!"

Philip fucked up. He knew that. He just didn't want you to know that.

"You've got to tell her," his friend insisted.

"But, it was just a one-time thing. She doesn't have to know. Can't I at least wait until she gets back?"

"No. What happens when this keeps happening?"


"Call her."

Philip sighs and calls you, wishing he didn't have to.

"Hey, Pip!" You answer.

"Hey. I needed to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"Well," he starts,"I might have had a few shots."


"Well, there was this girl and we started talking I-"

You sit down. "Say it!"

"I cheated on you. I feel terrible. George said I should tell you and-"

"Were you ever going to tell me, if he didn't make you?"

He looks down. "I didn't want you to be upset."

"We'll talk about this when I get back. I don't want to wreck my friend's wedding."


Breathtaking kiss w/ Philip x Burr!reader???

It's completely silent. The only faint sounds are the sounds of Philips shoes crunching in the ice as he anxiously shifts from one foot to the other. You can't bring yourself to turn away from him and open the door to your father's house. You could stand like that forever.

Your father turns the porch light on, causing you and Philip to blush.

"I'll see you tomorrow," you whisper.

He nods and starts to walk back to his car but thinks better of it and turns around, pulling you close and kissing you. You forget everything around you and melt into his lips. When you finally part, you are unable to think straight. Slowly, you walk into the house while Philip pulls out of the driveway.

Cliché Hamilton ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora