#86 Maria~Student Love

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Request: Hi, um I was wondering if you could bless me with a Maria x female reader? Maybe a soulmate AU, were whatever you write on your arms or legs your soulmate sees and can write back or draw whatever. If that's not to much to ask



A/N: I really like this and kinda want to make it a series

History Essay-Tues

Spanish Sheet-Wed

Physics Sheet-Who fucking knows

You're forgetting the math sheet

I finished that

WHAT?! When?!

We got a study hall in choir

Damnit. Why did I join band?

Bc your an idiot


Did you even read what you wrote


I made a funny

Why did you have to be my soulmate?

I don't know

I have no redeemable qualities


I can recite random last words

Provide it

"Is there anything you can't take?" "Yeah, country music"~Buddy Rich

"A dying man can do nothing easy"~Ben Franklin

"Goodnight, my kitten"~Ernest Hemingway

To his wife

Before he killed himself

Well now I'm sad


Sorry about that.

Shit! I have English next class!!!

What were the answers?

Did you even read it?

Yes! Just what the hell was Shakespeare saying

A, B, Fate, C, Romeo acted out of love, Juliet should have chosen Paris 


I'll buy you ice cream

Or make a pie

Jk. I can't bake

I'll buy you a pie

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