#10~There May Be Something There That Wasn't There Before (Pt. 2, Ending 2)

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You show up to the theater about an hour earlier than usual. Lin told you that he needed you there before anyone else to run through "Say No To This" one more time. You slowly walk through the stage door and onto the stage. "Lin?" you cautiously call. "Where are you?" You are about to pull out your phone to call him, but he runs up behind you. "Boo!"

You scream and turn to hit him. When you realize who it was, you immediately feel awful. "Oh my God, Lin, I am so so sorry! I didn't realize that-"

He laughs. "It's alright. I'm fine. I shouldn't have scared you."

You help him stand up, then ask why he wanted you to come so early. 

"I, well, I," he stutters. "I didn't want to work on the song. You're already doing perfectly. I just wanted to talk about what happened the other day during rehearsals."

You suddenly become defensive. "Wh-what about it?"

"Well, most of what you did, while it was amazing, wasn't choreographed."


"I didn't mind," he states, walking closer to you.

You glance up at him hopefully. "You didn't?"

"Other than the fact you made it very hard for me to focus, not at all." He pulls you into his arms, keeping you just far enough to talk to you.

You chuckle. "Would you mind if I did it again?"

"Not at all." He leans down to kiss you, but he's cut off by Daveed and Oak entering the theater.

They start hollering. "Get some, Miranda!" "That'a boy!" 

You and Lin pull away from each other slightly and blush. "I-I should probably get ready," he mutters, silently cursing at the guys.

You pull him closer. "I've waited too damn long for this." You press your lips against his, ignoring the shouts around you, and kiss him with much more passion than onstage. He grabs your waist and pulls you closer to him, if that was even possible. Things start to get more heated as he traces your jawline with his lips and brings them down to your neck. You move your hands so that they slightly tug on his hair. 

"Alright!" Daveed yells. "You can finish this on your own time!"

You and Lin quickly separate yourselves and blush profusely. The two of you head back to your dressing rooms and don't talk to each other until the show. It's not that you don't want to talk to each other, but whenever you're around each other, you are constantly teased. The show goes smoothly, except "Say No To This" is much more enjoyable than normal. When the show ends, Lin is one of the first to head back to the dressing rooms. Instead of going to his room, though, he heads to your room and leaves a note. When you get there, Groff hands you the note and winks.


Meet me on the roof when you're ready. We still need to finish what we started.


You smile and quickly change back into your jeans and a Fun Home t-shirt. As your leaving, Groff calls after you, "Be smart! I'm not ready to be an uncle, and we both know that you are in no position to be a mom."

You just mutter a "fuck you" and run up the stairs to the roof, where Lin is waiting. You smile and sit next to him. He wraps his arm around your shoulders, and you rest your head on his shoulder. He sighs contently, before sitting up and turning to face you. "Look, (Y/N), I've had feelings for you since we started working together. I don't want to make you uncomfortable in any way. I-"

"Lin, you're too sweet for your own good. I've had feelings for you, too."

He grins and pecks your lips. "Do you want to get something to eat?"

You stand up with him. "Of course."

(A/N: Third update of the day. New record! Hope y'all are enjoying this. I'm trying to get all these endings up before the end of the weekend. Sorry if they're shit. Have a magical day.)

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