#40 Laurens~The Great Christmas Surprise

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So, I found this in my drafts, half-finished from when Toxicfoxr requested a Christmasy imagine in November. Also I don't feel like Jordan  Fisher gets enough love from the Hamilton fandom

You walk down the winding South Carolina streets, John's fingers intertwined with your own. You rest your head on his shoulder as you walk. You shiver slightly, causing him to stop. "Are you cold? Do you want my jacket?"

You shake your head and lie, "No, no I'm fine. I don't want you to be cold."

He sees through your lie and takes off his jacket. "Here. Take it."

"But, I-"

"(Y/N). Take the jacket."

You sigh and wrap the jacket around your shoulders, breathing in his scent. As the two of you walk down the streets, you pass a number of little boutiques. John pulls you into one of the cafes and orders hot chocolate for the two of you while you find a place to sit. You find a couch next to the window. John approaches, holding two drinks and takes a seat next to you. You rest your head on his shoulder once again, causing him to wrap his arm around you.

"What do you want for Christmas?" he asks suddenly.

You mock shock. "You still haven't got my present?! Christmas is in two days!"

He laughs. "I already got your present. I just want to make sure it's a good one."

You kiss his cheek. "Anything you get me would be amazing."

"That's not the answer I wanted."

You giggle and kiss his nose. "What do you want?"

"To be with you."

"You're so cheesy," you whine.

"But you wouldn't have it any other way."

"That is true."


You wake up on Christmas morning to the smell of John's cooking, causing you to throw the covers off you and run to the kitchen where your husband is. You snake your arms around his waist and rest your head on his shoulder. He smiles and moves the eggs onto a plate and hands it to you. "Merry Christmas, darling."

You peck his lips. "Merry Christmas."

He leads you to the tree and tells you to open your box. You giggle at his enthusiasm and take the large box from him. You open it up and find a large terrarium complete with decorations and food. "John? Why did you get me turtle food?"

He laughs. "Alex is currently watching the turtle. I didn't want the surprise to be ruined. We can go get him later."

You jump up and wrap your arms around his neck. "Thank you! I love you so much!"

(A/N: Happy holidays!)

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