#74 Philip~I Don't Say No To This Pt. 2

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You wake up before Philip and smile. It's rare that you ever get to see him so calm. You quickly kiss his forehead before going to the bathroom to get ready for school. You're finishing your makeup when Philip knocks on the door.


He slowly pushes open the door and wraps his arms around your waist. You smile and close your mascara. "Good morning."



He nods. "Extremely." He stares at your reflection in the mirror, as you try to finish your makeup with your boyfriend behind you. "Y'know, it's almost like we're married."

You laugh, causing him to frown. "Do you not want to marry me?"

You turn around and grab his shoulders. "Of course I want to be with you. It's just-I'm exactly sure how I feel about marriage, especially after what's going on in my house."

He looks down. "I think my mom made breakfast if you want to go downstairs."

"Your mom made breakfast?"

"Yeah, just like every morning."

"That must be nice." You sigh and turn to leave. "Thank you so so much for letting me stay with you."

"Anything for my love."


You are the first person in your English class, per usual.

"(Y/N)?" Mr. Miranda asks. "Would you mind staying after today? I need to talk to you."

"Of course."

Class goes by incredibly slowly, but the bell finally rings. "I'll meet you at your locker, Philip. I need to talk to Mr. Miranda for a bit."

Philip nods and leaves the room. You walk over to Mr. Miranda's desk. "Why did you send that note?"

He looks up. "I wanted to help you."

"I appreciate the sentiment, but you could not have made the situation any worse."

"Oh, I am incredibly sorry. I just thought-"

"I know. Just please, don't try to help. I'm staying with a friend. I'm fine."

"And your mother?"

Your eyes widen. "She-she's been looking for a place for us to stay. James knows I'm with a friend; he just doesn't know why. He should be easier on her, as long as he doesn't find out about what's going on."

Mr. Miranda bites his lip. "My door is always open. For both of you."

You smile. "Thank you. I'll remember that."


"Ready to go?" Philip asks.

You shut your locker and stand up. "Yeah. I finally am."

He smiles and hugs you. "My dad's been working late, so you won't have to worry about running into him. Mom's got her plate full with watching the kids, so she won't bother you either. Will is really the only one who will ask you anything, but-"

"Philip, you're rambling."

He blushes. "Sorry. I just want you to be comfortable."

"This is the first day I haven't been scared to leave school. Your parents are so kind. I'm just grateful that they're letting me stay with you."

He cocks his head to the side. "What do you mean?"

"You're so fortunate to have parents who love you and would do anything for you. I hope you realize that."

"I never thought about it. I just thought everyone had families like that, y'know?"

You laugh slightly. "Growing up, I thought it was normal for your dad to lose his temper and hit you, or for you mom to sleep with other men for money. I was just so used to it. To the secrets, to the yelling, to the bruises. I never thought that there were houses that had caring families."

His face falls. "I'm sorry."

"That's the last thing I want to hear. I know that once my mom finds a place for us, that's all I'll be hearing."

"Any luck?"

You start to shake your head when your phone starts ringing. You slowly answer it. "Hello?"

(A/N: Hope this was okay! Love you!)

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