#112 Rafael~Late

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You glanced at the clock in your car. "Fuck," you muttered. "Hurry up." You anxiously drummed your fingers against the steering wheel. Your best friend, Daveed, had set you up on a date with one of his friends, and you were on your way to meet him. The only issue was work. Your meeting ran late. You thought you could make it in time, maybe a few minutes late, until you hit traffic, keeping you sitting and stressing for an extra twenty minutes.

By the time you got to the restaurant, you were nearly thirty minutes late. You rushed into the building and looked around for a vaguely familiar, lonely man. You spotted a man in the corner who looks like he would rather be anywhere else, so you approached him.

"Excuse me, are you Rafael?"

He nodded. "(Y/N)?"

You smiled. "I am so sorry I'm late. I hit traffic, and my meeting ran over-"

He shook his head. "Don't worry about it."

You sat across from him. "I really am sorry. At least let me pay."

"You just got here. Relax for a bit."

Now, you lay with your head on your fiancee's chest.

"I still can't believe you waited that long for me," you confess.

He runs his fingers through your hair. "Of course, Diggs said I was going to meet my soulmate that night! And, oh, how right he was."

You blush and focus on the wall across from you.

"You still feel guilty!" he teases.

"I kept you waiting for thirty minutes!"

"And every minute was worth it." He kisses the top of your head. "Just please don't be late to our wedding."

Your cheeks redden. "I, (Y/N), vow that from this moment on I will always be early, or at least on time, to every date, gathering, or meeting that the two of us will attend."

(A/N: Send me some les mis requests and I'll start a book!)

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