#5 Laurens~Home (pt. 2)

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Brief mention of sex

You mill around your friend's apartment. They said you could stay with them until you got back on your feet. They had to go out of town for a business trip, leaving you alone for the next week and a half. You hear someone knock on the door. Figuring it's the pizza you ordered, you open the door. John is standing the other side.

"What the hell are you doing here?" you sneer as you start to shut the door.

He sticks his arm out to stop you. "Can I come in?"

You roll your eyes but open the door anyway.

"Look, I fucked up-"

"Damn right, you did!"

He sighs and continues, "We both did."

You fall silent, knowing that he's right,

"This past week has been hell. (Y/N), I can't live without you. And it seems like you can't live like this either."

"I'll be fine."

He reaches out and grabs your arm. "You aren't fine. I'm not either, but we can fix this."

You yank your arm from his grasp. "We can't fix this! You know we can't! What you said broke me! If I thought we could recover, Lord knows that I would be with you, but we can't."

By this point, you're crying. John wants to help you, but he knows that will just make things worse than they already are. "(Y/N), you and I both know that's not true. We were both drunk, I still have the beer bottles in our room to prove it.-"

"You still think that's our room? News flash, buddy, I've left."

"It'll always be our room, as long as you're my home." He sounds genuinely hurt, but you force yourself not to feel guilty.

"Find a new home, because you lost me."

"And, it seems like I'm still your home."

You roll your eyes and walk back to your room.

He calls after you, "(Y/N)! Please, just listen to me."

"I've learned my lesson. It's time you learn yours and leave me alone."

He grabs your arm again, but this time, you don't pull away; you just want the familiar comfort, even if it is temporary. "I love you."

"I- I-" you can't say you don't love him because that's so far from the truth; you love him more than life itself, but you know you can't. Not after what he said. Not after what he did.

"You still love me?" he asks cautiously.

You just nod, unsure of what has control of your body, but it sure as hell isn't your brain. The rest of the night is a blur of clothes, sheets, swears, and everything you missed. The whispered "I love you"s when you both can barely breathe, you curling into his chest as he wraps his arms around you. All of it.

When you wake up, your limbs are tangled with John's. Instead of feeling the regret you expected, you feel regret for the week and everything you missed. You run your fingers through John's curly hair until he wakes up. The first words out of his mouth are "Well? Are you coming back home?"

You giggle and kiss him. "Always."

(A/N:I published this like a week early bc I really want you guys to read this and I've had it written for a week. It's been killing me not to show it to you.)

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