#57 Jefferson~Debate Club

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Requested by Toxicfoxr

You stand at the podium and clear your throat before you start your opening statement. Everyone in the room was terrified of you. You rarely lost a debate, and when you did, it was only because of your teammates. Today, you were doing a one-on-one debate over the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. As you go back to sit down, your opponent walks up. You scowl as Jefferson opens his mouth. You know that he didn't choose the topic, but you still consider breaking up with him. He quickly cites his sources and leaves. You smile and walk back up. After restating your argument, you completely rip apart everything he just said. You quickly follow after you, trying to address every point you made. After his closing argument, he sits down.

Mr. Washington sends the next pair up before telling you your grades and next assignment. He smiles slightly. "No surprise to anyone here, (Y/N) won. She got a nearly perfect score. My only note would be for you to watch your temper." He continues to tell the rest of the students their grades. "Alexander, please, for the love of God, you have a time constraint. Follow it. I'm sure John would have been able to address all your points if you made them clearer. Stop dancing around the issues. Get right to the point."

Alexander grumbles in response and slouches. Mr. Washington ignores him and talks about your next debate. "In our third class, you will have this debate. It will be a two-on-two debate, followed by a rapid-fire debate. I will pick the teams, and, (Y/N), your team gets to choose the which side you want first."

You nod slightly.

"Hamilton and Madison." Alex looks across the room at Madison, each of them looks like they would rather be paired with anyone else. "Laurens and Burr. (L/N) and Jefferson." You look at Jefferson. He winks at you quickly before turning back to the front of the room.

Mr. Washington claps his hands. "Now that you have your partners, your topic is over global warming. Is it an issue? (Y/N), since you got the highest score, you and Thomas get to pick first."

You don't consult your boyfriend before saying that you want to debate that it is an issue. Just as the last team picks their topic, the bell rings. You gather your stuff to leave, but Thomas grabs your arm. "I was thinking we should start researching. I could go get a study room."

You nod slightly. "Alright."

You head up to your locker and shove everything into it. Once you head back down to the library, where Thomas is waiting for you. You smile and pull your laptop out. "Let's get started."

He leans closer to you, causing your shoulders to touch. You send pages upon pages of research to the printer. While you wait for them all to print, Thomas compliments your debate.

You blush and push a piece of hair out of your face. "Oh, uh, thanks. You were really good, too."

"I knew that I was going against the best. I had to prepare." He smirks and rests his arm on the table, leaning in front of you.

You blush more. "I'm not-"

"You are Washington's favorite because of your debating skills. There's a reason you got that scholarship."

You look down.

He places his hand under your chin, forcing you to look into his eyes. He pushes your hair out of your face before leaning closer to kiss you. You lean forward, catching him off-guard as you press your lips to his. He places his hands on your back, pulling you closer. Your hands tangle in his hair, gently tugging on it. You both are so distracted that you don't notice the door open, or the gasps, or even the sound of the large stack hitting the ground.

As the two of you slowly pull away from each other, you see two people standing in the door out of the corner of your eye. You abruptly pull away from Thomas's grasp and straighten your shirt.

"Uh, your research was mixed with ours," Madison explains.

Hamilton looks ready to punch someone. "(YN), could I talk to you for a minute?"

You take a deep breath and walk out, leaving Thomas to explain what happened to his best friend.

"What was that?" Hamilton whispers.

"Thomas and I are dating," you mumble, trying to keep this as short as possible.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were dating that-that-"

You sigh. "Because, I knew you would react like this. We wanted to keep this a secret."

He looks hurt. "But, I'm your best friend, and he's well him."

"You haven't had a real conversation with him."

"That may be true, but-"

You cross your arms. "Nothing you say will change the fact that I love him."

He groans whether it's from the fact that you said 'love' or the fact that he knows you're right, you will never know. "Just stop making out in front of me."

"I would like to point out that you walked in."

"It was Madison's idea!"

You roll your eyes and walk back to the study room where Madison and Thomas are laughing. Thomas thanks him for the research as Madison and Hamilton leave.


The debate goes well. You and Thomas win, of course. During the debate, Hamilton makes kissy faces at the two of you, causing him to losing points, which is even worse because he was paired against you.

(A/N: Hope this is okay. The guy who has a crush on me has not talked to me... Oh well... Love you!)

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