#29 Alexander~But I Really Don't Hate Christmas

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You run around your apartment, throwing tinsel on your boyfriend as you pass him. He just shrugs it off and continues to work. You're a bit annoyed, but realize that he's probably just really focused on whatever it is that he's doing. After a few hours, your apartment looks like Christmas threw up on it, and Alex finished what he was working on you. He slowly emerges from his office. "(Y/N), what did you do?"


"But why?"

You give him a puzzled look. "Because it's almost Christmas."

"You didn't think to ask me?"

You take a step back out of shock. Sure, the two of you shared an apartment, but you didn't think he would be so upset about Christmas decorations. "I'm-I'm sorry. I can take them down."

He shakes his head. "No, no leave it. It's fine."

"Are you sure because I do-"

"I said 'it's fine'!" He storms to your room and slams the door.

You take a deep breath and start taking down the decorations. Even though you loved Christmas, it wasn't worth making Alex upset. You don't notice that you've started crying until Alex comes over and hugs you. "I'm sorry, baby girl," he apologizes. "I just have bad memories of Christmas."

You wipe your eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"There was no reason for you to have known."


"John?" you nervously ask. "Are you sure that this will work?"

John nods. "Positive. It's not technically a Christmas party."

Hercules hits his arm. "It's a party on Christmas. Therefore, Christmas party."

"Yeah, but it's not a party for Christmas."

You roll your eyes.

Lafayette speaks up. "I'm sure as long as there are drinks that he'll be happy."

You shrug and call Alex out of his office. As soon as he sees his friends, his eyes brighten. Herc puts in a movie, and the five of you sit on the couch. Laf and Herc on the floor; John third-wheeling on the couch, and you curled up in Alex's arms. By the end of the movie, everyone but you and Alex has fallen asleep. He kisses your forehead and picks you up to carry you to bed. You're both are too tired to change, so he just crawls into bed next to you.

"This is the best Christmas by far," he whispers.

You smile. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"You know what I would enjoy more?"

You roll over and turn off the lamp. "I'm tired."

(A/N: Exams are over and I am on break!!!! Request if you want. Love you)

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