#35 Madison~Movie Night

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"James!" you call to your husband. "Hurry up! It's almost starting!"

He rushes in with a large bowl of popcorn in one hand and a smaller (but still large) dish of candies that you kept on the table when you had company. "I'm here!" He smiles as you snuggle into him as he sits next to you. "What are we watching first?"

"Muppets Christmas Carol," you answer.

He smiles and pulls you closer to his chest.

After about the third movie, which happened to be Elf, you hear James snoring softly behind you. You giggle and kiss his nose, causing him to stir but not wake up. You slowly get up and start cleaning. There wasn't much food left, making your job much easier. Once you finish, you climb back into bed; your husband wraps his arms around your waist and whispers, "Merry Christmas. I love you."

You turn around and kiss him. "Merry Christmas, love of my life."

(A/N: IMPORTANT: REQUESTS ARE CLOSING SOON! I have a lot to do, so I'll be closing requests tomorrow. Please don't be shy. I love writing for you guys. If you're scared that you're adding too much, don't be. If I felt that I couldn't handle any more then I wouldn't ask for any more. Love you all!)

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