#111 Jordan~Mirror Ball

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You stand with twelve of your friends, soon to be competition, as you wait for your partners. You had been told that Jordan Fisher would be yours. After looking up his Wikipedia page, you learn that he is incredibly attractive, but he is around your age, and, what actually matters for your job, he is incredibly determined and talented.

One by one the contestants walk through the door. As soon as you and Jordan make eye contact, your heart skips a beat. He quickly comes up to you and engulfs you in a hug. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

You return the hug and tell him that you are incredibly lucky to have him as a partner.
As the competition progresses, you and Jordan grow closer than you should. You have gone home with him after quite a few rehearsals, claiming that you were too tired to drive home and quickly proving you that you had more than enough energy to drive home.

"Y'know," he says as the two of you walk into your rehearsal space for the ninth week of the show, "We really need to talk about last night and just about every night before that."

You ignore him and set your bag down. "So, I was thinking we-"

"(Y/N)." He grabs your shoulders, turning you so that you face him. "We need to talk."

You bite your lip. "There's no avoiding this, is there?"

He shakes his head. "Nope. Just answer one question for me."


"Do you want anything more than just this?" He closes his eyes tightly, unsure of if he wants the answer.

"Yes, more than anything."

His eyes shoot open.

"We just have to wait until you win, okay? I don't want anything distracting you from doing anything less than your best."

He gives you a quick kiss. "Then let's get going!"

You giggle at his enthusiasm and pick up where you left off.


"So, this is our last dance, and if I recall correctly, you owe me dinner as soon as this is over," Jordan says.

You pull your phone out to play the music. "I never said anything about dinner, but yes."

"Alright, then. What's your winning dance?"


You stand in front of an audience, clutching Jordan's hand. You hate to say it, but you are relieved to hear that Witney was no longer in the running. You loved the girl, but you wanted to win more. You can't process what happens; all you remember is Jordan kissing you deeply as the other dancers crowd around you.

"So, about dinner?"

You smile and kiss him. "We'll do whatever you want."

"There's nothing I want more than you."

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