Okay, so

738 13 65

Quick (added) note: I'm opening requests again

I found these numbers incredible and (bc I'm a nerd) I wanted to go through them with you. So, let's start with Unique readers.

Dec 23/24 had the highest number with about 18, which is pretty fucking amazing

Dec 22 had the highest number of votes with 17. I can't remember what part I posted then, but 17 votes?! That's so cool!

Dec 20 had the most comments (13)

I don't really pay attention to completed reads bc for those you have to go to the very bottom of the page and I normally have author's notes, so it doesn't bother me if you don't read those.

Part two (General (L/N)) had the most votes.

Comments are kinda all over the place (and about half of them are me)

Okay, math time.

Are any of you actually of 45? It says 6% (about 143) I highly doubt that.

About 955 of you are guys?! Hello! I feel like I'm not inclusive enough. Also please introduce yourselves. I have met no guy as obsessed with hamilton as me. Also to all my nonbinary pals (I'm assuming you're here), I am incredibly sorry that I don't include you. Sorry to both groups.

Quick breakdown of countries:

USA: 83.037%=1983. Almost all of you are from the US! Hello. I'm sorry our country is getting a shit leader.

Canada: 1.852%=44. Hello! I really have nothing to say here. I hope you are warm.

UK: 3.704%=88. So, my dad talks to a bunch of people for his job and he was talking to a guy from England and asked him if he had a butler. The guy responded with he does not have a butler, live in a palace, or have a bone china set.

Netherlands: 1.852%=44. Hi! My family is part Dutch. (I could have just said, "hello. I am a generic american")

Philippines: 3.704%=88. I actually don't know much about the Philippines. I feel so uncultured.

Okay, so I've already introduced myself, but I have questions about you guys.

1) Fandoms? Please tell me. I am in no position to judge. I'm obsessed with everything from emo music to musical theater to books.

2) How old are you? I get that a bunch of people lie about their age, so I don't rely on the age thingy here, but tell me (only if you feel comfortable)

3) What you look like? I'm just curious. Like, I'm short, pale, short brown hair, blue eyes.

4) Favorite subject?

5) Sexuality/gender. I want to know what I should write more of

6) Literally anything else you want to tell me. I just want to get to know all of you

Love all of you!

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