#69 Philip~Movies

987 30 14

For my baby muiclover04  I just reread what you said and realized this doesn't follow, so I'll write another one. 

You curl into your boyfriend's chest, turning away from the TV.

"Philip, can you turn it off?"

He smiles. "It's almost over."

You look up at him. "I'm scared."

He turns the movie off. "C'mon, baby, I thought girls liked this werewolf shit."

"Not me."

He changes the movie to your favorite Disney movie and wraps the blanket around you. "I'm sorry, baby."

You crawl up in his chest and fall asleep while he runs his fingers through your hair.


You slowly get off the couch, noticing Philip isn't under you. "Philip?" You hear the sound of pots and pans crashing to the floor. You cautiously walk into the kitchen.

"Philip!" you shriek. You see a large creature standing in the middle of the room. It has long, dark fur and huge fangs. It growls and jumps at you, causing you to run to your bedroom and hide.

You run behind the bed and breath heavily. "What the hell was that?" Suddenly, images of the movie last night flash through your mind. "No."

You hear something bang into the door repeatedly, causing it to fall to the ground. You notice that the creature, which you identified as a werewolf, has the same curly hair as Philip. You scream even more as he approaches.

He grabs your shoulder and starts shaking you. "(Y/N), (Y/N/N), wake up, baby."

You sit up abruptly. You look around the room. You're back in the living room, Philip is under you, the bedroom door is intact. "You are never picking a movie again."

(A/N: I'll write what you wanted after a smut bc I missed the 69 joke and I'm secretly a 5th grade boy)

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