No Worries

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You smoothed your crisp new apron over your front then tied it in the back. You just got hired as a barista at a coffee shop well known to FBI agents and big business men and women, so you wanted to make sure that you never looked one bit out of place. Lately, and luckily with your new shift you have seen this very cute and tall man walk in and ask for a very sugar heavy cup of joe. The first time he asked for it you were surprised and were sure it was a joke, but when you worked again and he happened to walk in and ask for the same thing you made sure to never forget his order. You never had a true conversation with "Reid" as you knew him, but you could tell he would make any conversation interesting.

One morning you were having a rough day and he happened to be your first customer. You looked up and smiled as best as you could despite your current emotional turmoil and without a word, the long-haired man smiled at you so wide you couldn't help but laugh and smile back. He winked at you and took his ready-made coffee, sliding you an extra twenty dollars. You look back up at him and nod in thanks, earning you another heart pounding smile.

After about a few months of working, you came to work looking forward to seeing him. But soon you started to notice that there would be a few days he doesn't come in. You didn't think much of it at first but once after a month of him not coming in you became worried.

It was your turn to close up the shop so you made sure to wipe down all the tables before putting the chairs up and locking the doors, wondering about the tall young man. Suddenly the sound of someone rapping on one of the windows caused you to jump and let out a yelp of surprise. You quickly look around the shop, holding your cleaning rag against your chest as if it could help you against any sort of intruder. You slowly inched your way around the tables, picking up the nearest object you found on one of the tables; a salt shaker. You rolled your eyes but held it behind your back as you came into the line of sight of all the windows. You spotted a figure by the front door, their hands cupped around their face pressed up against the glass. Not able to make out who it was, you made sure they couldn't see you as you sneaked closer.

They suddenly moved, waving and standing up tall giving away who they were. You let out a breath you had no idea you were holding and let your arm drop from behind your back. You rush forward and open the shop door, noticing the falling rain outside. You looked up at your unexpected visitor and smacked his chest with your damp rag.

"Honestly I should just give you my number so you can let me know you are outside instead of scaring the crap out of me."

Reid smiled as he brushed his slightly wet hair out of his face, causing your heart to flutter. "Actually it is possible for you to crap yourself when scared. In a book called The Fascinating Body: How It Works, by Sheldon Margulies, he says that; "Movement of the gut is controlled by more than the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. The wall of the gut has its own complex of nerves called the enteric nervous system, which seems to respond to hormones released from the brain under periods of high anxiety, an emotion critical to being scared shitless." He nods and sets his mouth into a line kind of like a small smile of sorts.

You blinked and then started to laugh. "Well, good thing you weren't that scary." You turned and set the salt shaker on the table, trying to not look like you were about to use it to defend yourself. "So, what brings you here in the late hours of the night and after such a long absence?" You toss your rag to the counter and crossed your arms, looking at him expectantly.

"That's actually why I'm here. I called before I landed to make sure you would be here." He nonchalantly said as he took his satchel off, setting it on a pulled-out chair, then ran his hand through his now drying hair.

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