A Pirate's Booty

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You let out a heavy breath as you looked down at your phone. So much for staying in for the night. Garcia just texted saying she has you planned to come to a Halloween party that the FBI was setting up. And, naturally, she made you Reid's date. She has been working relentlessly to get you two together, despite your constant attempts to have her lay off.

You have been working in the BAU for two years and in the last few months, the young doctor had suddenly become extremely hard not to think about, let alone look at him. His long, messed hair, his deep brown eyes, his tall form and even the rambling he does makes you smile. But you knew he was too good for you, being so smart and all. You were a baby compared to the rest of the team in experience and age. But that's what PG used against you; "Tis only fitting that the two youngest on the team got together!"

You rub your face and look at your closet. You had nothing to dress up in, nothing with a 'wow factor' that Garcia demanded that you arrive in. You roll your eyes and shrug, tossing your phone on our bed before you headed to the bathroom to shower.

Spencer Reid scratched his head as he hung up with Garcia. He was already planning on joining her at the Halloween party but now she wants him to take (Y/n), something he wasn't really planning on. Not that he has anything against you, it's just that he wasn't completely sure of himself on these sudden feelings he has been getting when around you.

Now knowing you, he knew you wouldn't have anything to wear last second. He also knew that you wouldn't feel completely comfortable at the party. Spencer picked up his phone again and called you, checking to see if you would need anything to get ready for the party.

After several rings and hearing your voicemail, he got a little worried. Grabbing his outfit and a few extra things, Spencer headed over to your apartment, almost worried that you would back out. Ignoring the odd looks he got from your apartment neighbors and knocked on your door.

You sang your favorite song as you scrubbed your hair, your voice growing louder as the song went on. You thought you heard something but you ignored it as you finished up. You threw on some underwear and a robe, walking out of the bathroom to your room. You rubbed your hair with a towel, humming under your breath.

Suddenly, your bedroom door opened and a voice sounded behind you.

"Oh, there you are (Y/n). Did you-"

You spun around and held the towel close to your body, despite being covered by your robe. "What the?! Spencer! Privacy!" You shouted in surprise as you saw who it was.

"Calm down, it's just me. Since I know you wouldn't have something to wear I brought you an extra thing I had. I hope it fits. It was my mothers." He gives you a small smile, placing a bag on the ground. He then shut the door, leaving you bewildered and shocked.

"What in the world?" You whispered to yourself as you ran your hand through your damp hair. "Somebody teach that boy-"

Spencer then popped his head in again. "Oh and Garcia says we need to get there ASAP. Apparently, the party already started."

"SPENCER! Privacy! Please!" You threw your towel at him. He caught it and laughed, making you smile, albeit begrudgingly.

You tip-toe to the bag he left you, kind of fearing what would be inside. What you find turns out to be one of the most authenticly looking pirate outfits you have seen. You giggle with excitement as you grab all the accessories and rushing to put them on.

"So since you thought of everything what are you going as?" You shout from within your room as you adjusted some straps and sashes.

"I thought about going as one of the original Doctors from Doctor Who but I feel like I emulate those characters too much." You hear his muffled voice call back, him also sounding like he was putting something on. "My mom called and wanted to know about my day, so, I told her and she gave me the idea about the pirates."

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