May I (pt 4)

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Spencer had lowered his gun and closed his eyes. He leaned his head back on the wall that kept him and the rest of his team away from the Unsub's line of sight. Hotch, who had stayed quiet this whole time, came up to Spencer, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Go. Trade places with Rossi. Make sure Alvez doesn't blow up the girl. Rossi and I can handle the Unsub."

Spencer opened his eyes and need only look at Hotch for a second before the team leader shook his head and started pushing Spencer toward the staircase.

"As noble as it would before you to be the one to take down the unsub, I have a feeling there is a particular woman who would much rather you be the one to get the girl out alive than to risk your life at the hand of an exhausted exploiter."

Spencer haded when Hotch knew exactly what emotional as well as logical strings to pull to get Spencer to do what he wanted. But before he went he turned off his earpiece and whispered to Hotch.

"And if we can't get her out? Bomb squad?"

"No time. We are the bomb squad." Hotch clapped Spencer on the back. "We will cross that bridge when we get to it. For now, let's focus on assessing this new situation."

Spencer nodded and with no farther delay, left the fourth floor to find Rossi and Alvez conversing a few halls down from the girl and her fireworks display. Rossi nodded to Spencer, no words needed to pass between them considering the earpieces. Alvez walked up to Spencer, his hands on his hips and his head shaking.

"We looked at everything and I can't tell if it's possible or not to get her out. We can't even get close enough without setting off a few of them, to begin with."

Spencer nodded slowly as he peeked over to the hall that was indeed lined and floored with nearly a hundred small explosives. It puzzled Spencer. They were obviously not placed nor purchased with the intent of causing too much damage. More of just as a distraction. Spencer could hear Rossi and Hotch talking to the unsub so he did his best to tune them out as he thought of the next plan.

"Did you do as (Y/n) said and use a bathroom mirror to communicate with the girl?"

Alvez shook his head. "We don't know how to get it far enough into the room for her to see us."

Spencer almost smiled. "Now this is why I have the three PhDs." Then he ran off around the explosive hall and to the bathrooms on the other side of the floor.

"Ah, why you gotta make it personal man?" Alvez complained while running after him.

The two of them with the help of brute force from the other officers and the butts of their guns, they were able to dislodge two large pieces of glass. Spener held one and Alvez held the other.

"You go to the east end of the hall and I'll take the west. We need to get as close to her as possible. It will take some positioning but I have a feeling this with work."

The teams took position. Hotch and Rossi were still talking to the unsub, though it didn't sound like they were making any progress. They had to hurry nonetheless.

Spencer stood at his end of the hall and nodded to Alvez on the other. Then Spencer took a deep breath and started on moving and positioning the angle of the mirror for Alvez to see the girl. Spener looked right at him, following his silent direction of where to move and stand. Suddenly your voice came up, giving Spencer a bit of a fright.

"Talk to me, please. What is going on?"

Spencer kept his eye on Alvez and made minor adjustments until a smile lit up the man's face. Now it was Alvez's turn to position himself so the reflection in Spencer's mirror would reach Spencer and he could talk to the girl.

Dr. Spencer Reid Reader InsertsWhere stories live. Discover now